Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How do you deal with disrespectful, older co-workers?

You give them the same respect they give you. You only have one other cheek to turn to and after that it's time to stand up against the ignorance of your co-worker. If the proper actions aren't being taken then vigilance should show. People want to say something to this person but seem to be scared to. It's time to stand up and be heard.

How come Frazier couldn't beat Foreman?

Frazier couldn't beat Foreman because he was not well prepared and was over confident. Also the referee was not impartial and it was not Frazier's day. I don't know anything about boxing and I haven't watch the fight but this is just my guess. Is it not something that happens when a guy gets beat?

Red Raw wounds in belly on?

I got punched in the stomach the other day pretty lightly, but enough to kinda take the wind out of me.. It was my friend just messin around, ever since then ive had this really sore pain right at the upper part of my belly on going about 2 inches above it.. when i push down on it it just feels really sore like a bruise, sharp pain.. its really irritating when i bend forward or goto sit down, and it keeps waking me up from sleep every time i roll on my stomache (im 300 pounds 6 feet so definitely a big guy with a big gut) but the weird part is I looked inside my belly on and apart from being a little swollen and it feels all hot, theres a red raw scratch looking thing thats going from inside of my belly on down inside(where i cant see the bottom of it) and theres 1 other small red scratch/wound/rash in there aswell, same type but a lot smaller.. its definitely not red skin though its actually a wound i can see the moisture inside of it.. but its reallly light almost like someone scd your knee really quick with a piece of sandpaper... anyways this has been happening now for 2 nights and its really annoying and starting to worry me.. i cant goto the doctors either so anything would help

How should I start my book?

Grolack's long and wrinkled finger pulls a crusty wad of snot from his nose. He puts the mucous chip in his mouth and chews on it with a look of satisfaction. He is an average troll, content to live a life of mischief and sloth. The place he calls home is in the hollowed out remains of a tree, lying within the dying woods of Decolax.

Why "evolutionist" scientist Do NOT Offer Any Scientific REPLIES to the EVOLUTION DECEIT Book’s Arguments?

They offer no reply because that really doesn't deserve one. Scientists have better things to do then waste their time on poorly supported material written by a nut case.

Why do we have to listen to a bunch of self rewarding chamber members stand and applaud every platitude pause?

of a skilled liar? You know he does not even believe what he espouses. The myrmidons are as robots, programed and timed to cheer the egotist on with applause and they did so throughout the speech. The one comical relief that came,was when Wilson shouted out "liar" and they ( his myrmidons ) turned in step with pelosi and hissed at him, as their leader would want them to. Why does someone that tells lies,get cheered, and somebody telling the truth be expected to apologize? This is too contrary to be laughable any more

Im a new mom who needs psychiatric help what to do?

I've grown up with mental illness in my family. My mothers side is full of severely depressed relatives. My mom has tried to commit suicide before i was even born and her father killed himself. I have a 5 month old and I feel like Im at a crossroads. My husband and I have been fighting alot lately and I go into "rage"modes with him and jsut want to attack. He just sets me off when he calls me crazy and says certain things. i know its not healthy nor normal for me to get so upset and freak on him. Im very depressed and I need to see someone i know. I have moved to a new state where i have no family friends a job or anything sort of a life. He is from here with family friends job etc. Im scared to get help because i dont want it to be used against me in court if it where to get to that oneday. should i admit myself somewhere? What if he leaves me because he thinks im crazy? does anyone know of this happening to anywhere else or what i should do? please no judgmental comments