Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Red Raw wounds in belly on?

I got punched in the stomach the other day pretty lightly, but enough to kinda take the wind out of me.. It was my friend just messin around, ever since then ive had this really sore pain right at the upper part of my belly on going about 2 inches above it.. when i push down on it it just feels really sore like a bruise, sharp pain.. its really irritating when i bend forward or goto sit down, and it keeps waking me up from sleep every time i roll on my stomache (im 300 pounds 6 feet so definitely a big guy with a big gut) but the weird part is I looked inside my belly on and apart from being a little swollen and it feels all hot, theres a red raw scratch looking thing thats going from inside of my belly on down inside(where i cant see the bottom of it) and theres 1 other small red scratch/wound/rash in there aswell, same type but a lot smaller.. its definitely not red skin though its actually a wound i can see the moisture inside of it.. but its reallly light almost like someone scd your knee really quick with a piece of sandpaper... anyways this has been happening now for 2 nights and its really annoying and starting to worry me.. i cant goto the doctors either so anything would help


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