Saturday, January 14, 2012

Does he like me back?

Okay. I go to a youth group and church where I see me crush/potential boyfriend. He is 15 and I am 13. When I see him, he will smile and wave then spend most of his time near me, talking to me, about my family, etc. I also ask him stuff so we know eachother. He always sits next to me and we have a thing where we kick eachother playfully. He is so perfect and sweet and shares my religious views. I have a major crush on him. I cant stop thinking about him. Oh and also, last week we went on our youth groups bus to get ice cream. There were lots of empty seats and he sat next to me, and talked to me. He had a twinkle in his big blue eyes <3 hehe. Anyway, I was flirting and trying to see if he was single. I asked why he didnt bring his gf to church. He responded I dont have one. Then I asked why, you are really cute..he said he likes getting to know ppl better before asking them out. Does he like me? Any feedback will be so appreciated. Thank you :)


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