Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why was my question removed? just wondering...?

i asked a question a couple weeks ago about the book chasing vermeer? i had to read it for school. if you have ever read the book, you know that on the odd numbered chapters' illustrations, there is a code type hidden message. in my question, i asked where part of the code was. i found the other half of the message but couldn't find the other. i asked if i could have a little help finding it. after all, i needed it for school, and you cant say i was cheating when ive seen people ask questions that you can tell are straight from a worksheet or workbook. i didnt get an answer all day, so i just asked a friend. i havent been on since then, but now i see that it was removed. im not sure why though! i wasnt chatting, being rude, soliciting, or anything that is against the rules on here! can someone help exlpain this to me?


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