Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have multiple diagnosis, new Dr, new diagnosis. Whats really wrong with me? I am the same as when i was 5.?

I am 40, I have never felt older then 14. everyone 15 and older seems like an elder to me. I had a hard time in school, flunked 2nd grade, no friends, a social outcast, I always felt my peers were older then me. I feel like I stopped maturing in my early teens. I am over sensitive, I talk too fast and too much, to people who think im obnoxious. When I had my 1st boyfriend at 12 I couldn't stop. I have not been single 1 day of my life. To ensure that I was a cheater. I couldn't refuse anyone who liked me. At 23 a Jr college said I have sevear learning disabilitys. Im memory short and long, 3rd grade level. But reasoning of a college grad. At 28 my 7 year old was diagnossed narcistic personallity and ADHD. My Dr treated me for depression. I told him it made me think slower so he said I have ADHD too. The prozac and ritlin helped allot. But after 12 years I am still a social outcast. before treatment i was oblivious that i was so different. I am mad I went to school and retained almost


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