Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do I Love Him????????

He is this boy named Erik...ive known him sense 6th grade from a friend...he is tall blonde and a little awkward looking but that seems to be what i like...i liked him back in 6th grade all the way through 7th...he also liked me in 6th grade...but when i hit 8th grade he just all a sudden changed...not physically but he was a whole different person, i still feel sorta attracted to him but i feel so distant from him, especially sense im in 9th grade now and we never talk...but i remember the old Erik and that still makes me have hope and im just so confused...i know to follw my heart but i its not helping! he was just so nice and cute and smart but now he is more "popular" i guess and before he wasnt so that gave me hope...he is just so different now its kinda scary...now i have no clue...i just want to know how you think it seems like i feel....HELP PLEASE


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