Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have been sick for the last three days and...?

i have been throwing up for the last three days, and now i have a headache and my leg muscles hurt. i had a pice of bread for breakfast today, but i threw it up. i had a few saltine crackers a bit ago, and so far i am okay, but i dont know how long that is going to last. i have been sipping gaterade throughout the day but i have only been through about half the bottle so far. my mom says i'm should go to the doctor today, but i dont really want to. i havent been to school at all this week, and end of semester finals start this friday. i really need to be there tomorrow, but i dont know what i can do to stop being sick. pepto bismol (spelling?) only makes me worse. the smell of it, the look of it, the tase of it... everything about it just makes me naseous.


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