Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parent Drama-I'm trying to deal with it but it's starting to become unbearable.?

I am a 30 year old female who has been living with her parents for the last two years. With the jobs I've had during that time, I've been able to save some money so that I could move out. Unfortunately I lost my job two months ago but have been applying for jobs left and right eversince. I've even thought about moving to Atlanta, GA but when I tell my parents that, my mother gives me the silent treatment and my dad even once told me that no one would want me there and that it made no sense to move there if I wasn't going to be happy. I've been there before and I know that I would be happy. Yes I have my fears, worries and concerns being that I am unemployed. But what point am I missing here and why are they acting like this when I am doing the best that I can and know how? Another question I want answered is why do they reject my offer to help with the bills at first but then gripe and complain about not helping out?


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