Monday, January 16, 2012

What would you think?

I hav a group a friend i always hang out withWe drink & chill all the time.but Me & 1 of my friend always end up kissin the 1st time it happen i talkd 2him & i told him i would rather like him as a friend than anything else but its happnd again &the lasttime we messd he asked me "what i thought about us how we always ended up being alone and kissin & y it only happen 2 us"i said "idk" we ended up fallin asleep togethr n i woke up 2him kissn me i like him alot but i feel like he doesnt like me its been a month &ive only hungout with him once since then i ran into him at the store and we said hi as if nothing had happend &had a small conversation idk what to do is he just messin around or does he like me even a little bit also when we r all JUST hanginout he likes 2tease me makin jokes &things like that but @ the same time he tells every1 he has nevr meet a girl like me that is always down 4anythin i kinda want 2 ask him what he thinks but i dont want 2 make it seem like im sprung HELP


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