Sunday, January 15, 2012

Question about cycling my aquarium?

With such a tiny tank you will only be able to put a couple small fish in it. It sounds like it should be ready for a fish as long as you have had the filter going and a light on while it has been cycling. Also an air line or some type of current in the water. The good bacteria need oxygen to live. Get only one small fish and only feed it once a day (only as much as it can eat in a couple minutes) for a week. Test the water every other day. Then as long as that fish is doing good after a week and the water has been right, you can add another fish. If the nitrites spike at any time, just do a 25 percent water change and continue watching the levels. Ahh i see.. Then yes try putting a bit of food in the water every day. That will help the cycle. Also take a a couple handfulls of the gravel in the seahorses tank and put it in the new tank. Than you have a head start on the bacteria and as long as the levels dont fluctuate after the food and gravel (test every other day) then id say its safe for the little guys after another couple weeks.


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