Sunday, January 8, 2012


You cannot keep measuring every possible thing that you might have several times a day. Everyone's body functions fluctuate every minute after minute. If you take your BP and then take it 10 minutes later you'll get a completely different reading. The same is true of everything else. Most of these symptoms are in line with your Lyme disease. Is your fiance' having any unusual symptoms? If not then for some reason after your flu like problems with acid reflux it seems like everything else started to flare up. Your white blood count is fine and if you had any type of infection it would be well over 12-14,000. Your red cells are not too bad and might be related to the Lyme disease also. Try increasing your green vegetables and take a vitamin B supplement and it should come up. Make sure that you are eating a good diet with all of the food groups included. These symptoms are really not that unusual unless your looking for anything that is unusual. I suggest that you look up Lyme disease at and you will find a list of symptoms almost word for word of what your listing here. Good luck and God Bless


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