Monday, January 9, 2012

My dream to become a pro tennis player?

I am 15, have been playing for 7 years, and I am a good player. In the 10's I was very good, I struggled in the twelves, bad in the fourteens, and now I dont have a ranking in the sixteens. I am signing up for tournaments and I am a very good player but with physical and psychological problems caused by my mom being a drunk have made it harder for me. I was so upset in the 14's I didnt even care about tennis, I considered quitting. I quit for a year with an ulcer slash anxiety but now I am 15 and a half. I am so scared that it may not work out. I am playing atleast four hours a day, alot of times 5 or six. I am in between to coaches and rival clubs but I am so confused on who to pick. I play alot of matches with good competion but I am not near the top nationally or anything. I want someone who can help take me to the top, I will seriously do anything and literally think it will be the end of the world if it doesnt work out. Am I crazy or just motivated. I just want some advice and opinions. Thanks.


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