Thursday, January 12, 2012

Should I attend my father in-laws funeral, or go boating?

Considering they have just given you grief for wrecking their house I find it totally inappropriate for you to attend the funeral. It is not as though he is a blood relative is it? Send your wife by all means, even give her the bus fare, but that is as far as you go. A chaps leisure time is his own and should not be encroached by in laws whatever the reason. As for flowers, don't bother, they die anyway. No Bobble, have your fun with the annual boating regatta, I shall be there of course and I look forwards to the annual water ski race as towed by ones valet in a rowing boat. Damned funny last year when Shaftworthy's valets lungs burst, you could hear them pop over 200 yards away. Nearly a tragedy though when Sniffy Blenkinsop fell out of his boat laughing and nearly drowned. Damned if I was going in after him I had my 3rd best suit on, damned fool.


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