Friday, January 13, 2012

Who should i side with on this issue?

that is a pretty sticky situation considering that they are both your friends. they might not realize it but it is kind of unfair of them to put you in this position knowing that your friends with both of them. i think it'd be a mistake to take one side over the other because i think that's just gonna create more problems. you might one sit down with each other them one on one, seperately and sort of talk to them and get them to explain why they feel so much anger towards the other person. like talk to the guy first and let him explain his feelings to you about her and then talk to the girl alone at another time and allow her to share her feelings with you about the situation. try to find some common ground on the issue and i think by just doing that and listening to both sides unbiasedly, you can convince your friends to drop their animosity towards each other and act civil. let them know that they are BOTH still your friends and that they're being unfair because they're putting you in an awkward situation and you'd like to sort of forgive, forget and move on. i know this sounds too much like dr. phil or whatever you wanna call it but i think that this method can be really useful. that's what i would do, is defnately sit down with each other them and try to understand their point of view and then after i've talked to both sides, i can present them with a consensus. I'm hoping to be lawyer and i guess im just used to dealing with things that way and looking at both sides of the situation. i really hopes this helps and hasn't confused you :) good luck!


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