Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why doesn't my Mother inlaw want me to BELIEVE in myself?!!?

Maybe she needs to mother somebody . Do more smiling and more nodding when you're around her . If she calls and pulls the bully routine ..sit the phone on it's side while you do what you were doing before she called . Every once in awhile bend over the phone and go ".Hmmmm" . It will prevent a few bad feeling all the way around . Some people were never shown much kindness growing up , and therefore know little about showing it one on one . She may try in the only way she knows how : on special occasions & complimenting you to others . Then too , she may be trying to see if you really care for her - testing your reaction . I sense that she cares for you a great deal but is unable to relay that to you .In the scheme of things its easier to let it go because you already are well aware of your capabilities .


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