Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How do you deal with disrespectful, older co-workers?

You give them the same respect they give you. You only have one other cheek to turn to and after that it's time to stand up against the ignorance of your co-worker. If the proper actions aren't being taken then vigilance should show. People want to say something to this person but seem to be scared to. It's time to stand up and be heard.

How come Frazier couldn't beat Foreman?

Frazier couldn't beat Foreman because he was not well prepared and was over confident. Also the referee was not impartial and it was not Frazier's day. I don't know anything about boxing and I haven't watch the fight but this is just my guess. Is it not something that happens when a guy gets beat?

Red Raw wounds in belly on?

I got punched in the stomach the other day pretty lightly, but enough to kinda take the wind out of me.. It was my friend just messin around, ever since then ive had this really sore pain right at the upper part of my belly on going about 2 inches above it.. when i push down on it it just feels really sore like a bruise, sharp pain.. its really irritating when i bend forward or goto sit down, and it keeps waking me up from sleep every time i roll on my stomache (im 300 pounds 6 feet so definitely a big guy with a big gut) but the weird part is I looked inside my belly on and apart from being a little swollen and it feels all hot, theres a red raw scratch looking thing thats going from inside of my belly on down inside(where i cant see the bottom of it) and theres 1 other small red scratch/wound/rash in there aswell, same type but a lot smaller.. its definitely not red skin though its actually a wound i can see the moisture inside of it.. but its reallly light almost like someone scd your knee really quick with a piece of sandpaper... anyways this has been happening now for 2 nights and its really annoying and starting to worry me.. i cant goto the doctors either so anything would help

How should I start my book?

Grolack's long and wrinkled finger pulls a crusty wad of snot from his nose. He puts the mucous chip in his mouth and chews on it with a look of satisfaction. He is an average troll, content to live a life of mischief and sloth. The place he calls home is in the hollowed out remains of a tree, lying within the dying woods of Decolax.

Why "evolutionist" scientist Do NOT Offer Any Scientific REPLIES to the EVOLUTION DECEIT Book’s Arguments?

They offer no reply because that really doesn't deserve one. Scientists have better things to do then waste their time on poorly supported material written by a nut case.

Why do we have to listen to a bunch of self rewarding chamber members stand and applaud every platitude pause?

of a skilled liar? You know he does not even believe what he espouses. The myrmidons are as robots, programed and timed to cheer the egotist on with applause and they did so throughout the speech. The one comical relief that came,was when Wilson shouted out "liar" and they ( his myrmidons ) turned in step with pelosi and hissed at him, as their leader would want them to. Why does someone that tells lies,get cheered, and somebody telling the truth be expected to apologize? This is too contrary to be laughable any more

Im a new mom who needs psychiatric help what to do?

I've grown up with mental illness in my family. My mothers side is full of severely depressed relatives. My mom has tried to commit suicide before i was even born and her father killed himself. I have a 5 month old and I feel like Im at a crossroads. My husband and I have been fighting alot lately and I go into "rage"modes with him and jsut want to attack. He just sets me off when he calls me crazy and says certain things. i know its not healthy nor normal for me to get so upset and freak on him. Im very depressed and I need to see someone i know. I have moved to a new state where i have no family friends a job or anything sort of a life. He is from here with family friends job etc. Im scared to get help because i dont want it to be used against me in court if it where to get to that oneday. should i admit myself somewhere? What if he leaves me because he thinks im crazy? does anyone know of this happening to anywhere else or what i should do? please no judgmental comments

Guy/girls, advice please?? I screwed up and he's ignoring me now. :( ?

Dont keep on ignoring him once you got friendly with him. It might be hurting him just like it hurts you. Try to get friendly repo with him.

Photo shoot question?

It all depends on convenience. Two people who have jam-packed schedules and work far away from one another will probably meet for the first time on the set. If at all possible, the creative team (photographer, model(s), wardrobe and makeup specialists, etc.) will meet before the shoot so that everyone knows their respective roles and maybe provide some additional ideas for the direction of the shoot. In almost all of the photography sessions I conduct, I have met with the model and/or supporting team members days or even weeks before actually shooting. On a "Hollywood" scale, though, this is more than likely impossible with regard to how hectic celebrities' lives are. In the Lutz/Basalari shoot, I would be surprised if they had actually met prior to shooting.

What is your favorite flavor of primordial soup?

There is far more evidence for soup than there ever was for a flash/bang God said it: A nice healthy dose of Reality Soup would be nice.

Why don't albums by indie bands ever have "Parental Advisory" labels on them?

I was listening to of Montreal's Skeletal Lamping recently and there are tons of curse words on it... why would it be exempt from the parental advisory sticker?


II think you start Deng simply because blks are close and not rick the TO's from Calderon by benching him. you are fine in ists.

In the movie back to the future II what was the song "47 Marty" played?

He was *spoilers* 2015 version, marty mcfly had broken his hand and was later seen by his 80s girlfriend attempting to play something. What was it?? Was it the song from his high school year that he didn't get to play the prom or what?

Need help with chainsaw!?

I'm baffled as to what is wrong with my Sthill 026, I have had this problem before but can't remember how i fixed it! Have stripped down the saw and cleaned the carb. everything seems to be in working order. Chainsaw starts well and runs well untill i try to cut timber then it just dies!! Any helpfull suggestions will be gratefully recieved!

I have been sick for the last three days and...?

i have been throwing up for the last three days, and now i have a headache and my leg muscles hurt. i had a pice of bread for breakfast today, but i threw it up. i had a few saltine crackers a bit ago, and so far i am okay, but i dont know how long that is going to last. i have been sipping gaterade throughout the day but i have only been through about half the bottle so far. my mom says i'm should go to the doctor today, but i dont really want to. i havent been to school at all this week, and end of semester finals start this friday. i really need to be there tomorrow, but i dont know what i can do to stop being sick. pepto bismol (spelling?) only makes me worse. the smell of it, the look of it, the tase of it... everything about it just makes me naseous.


I would suggest Buckle8 and Wet Seal. they have cute, yet unique clothes. wet seal has a lot of pink, just in case u aren't into tht. hope I helped. also, hot topic and journeys(unique shoes and t-shirt with saying like, come to the dark side, we have cookies:-) lol, cute store at mist malls) btw, all these places are at my mall

Jane and the Dragon Show?

What is the song in "Jane and the dragon" the one jester and the dragon sing in the episode "Dragon Diva" it goes something like dis "Gathering bloosoms as i go i'll bring them to my lady that her heart may be stow shall i bring her roses or lilacs for her head" can anyone tell me what is the name of that song please?

Did lions ever exist in Europe?

What I know of is that lions exist in only two places (naturally). The most common place is parts of Africa. The other place is Gir forest India. I think that lions never ever existed in Europe. I think that European Kings used lions as a symbol of hierarchy when they first saw lions when invading Africa.

Ruined married life......?

I am also a hairy man but fortunately my wife like that too much. If she were in the same way as in your case, she would not have been my wife at this moment. Married life is mutual acceptance and mutual participation. For example if any one of the tyres of the car punctured and other running what will happen. So remove / replace that punctured tyre and continue your journey man. There is nothing hell than hurting once self esteem.

Pokemon convention Fresno ?

i live in Fresno, Cali and i need help finding a pokemon convention . Also do they buy and/or sell cards. And if any of you need cards im selling them 25 cents each (:

I have multiple diagnosis, new Dr, new diagnosis. Whats really wrong with me? I am the same as when i was 5.?

I am 40, I have never felt older then 14. everyone 15 and older seems like an elder to me. I had a hard time in school, flunked 2nd grade, no friends, a social outcast, I always felt my peers were older then me. I feel like I stopped maturing in my early teens. I am over sensitive, I talk too fast and too much, to people who think im obnoxious. When I had my 1st boyfriend at 12 I couldn't stop. I have not been single 1 day of my life. To ensure that I was a cheater. I couldn't refuse anyone who liked me. At 23 a Jr college said I have sevear learning disabilitys. Im memory short and long, 3rd grade level. But reasoning of a college grad. At 28 my 7 year old was diagnossed narcistic personallity and ADHD. My Dr treated me for depression. I told him it made me think slower so he said I have ADHD too. The prozac and ritlin helped allot. But after 12 years I am still a social outcast. before treatment i was oblivious that i was so different. I am mad I went to school and retained almost

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Refinishing Kitchen Cabinet Doors.?

I need to refinish the kitchen cabinet doors in a 50's era kitchen and need some advise. They appear to be a birch plywood maybe and the finish is dull. Can I bring the luster back without going through a complete strip & refinish process ? I was thinking steel wool or light sanding. Any suggestion ?

Could a deaf person be a counsellor/therapist?

ABSOLUTELY! They'd be an excellent therapist for people who are also deaf as they would be able to communicate in sign language which is an exceptionally useful skill to have. Not that many therapists know sign language so there is definitely a huge open door for somebody there!

Can security deposit be deducted by the purchaser from the bills payable by him for another contract ?

Now this the way Employees of Government of India work, with their empty skull & place general public in trouble. The very fact there exist a Bank guarantee as the security amount, there is no change in this contractual transaction between the parties, there is only a mention of escalated prices of the products etc, & lastly the unilateral decision to deduct the security deposit for the supplies under different contract, all these show the irregularity & illegality on the part of the government company with whom you have entered in this contract. The very fact a prior notice was to be issued to you before deducting the security amount from you bill which the government company failed to do which is clear violation of the principle of natural justice, moreover your bank guarantee was valid for this amount & hence this security amount should not have been deducted even otherwise. If there was any change in the bank guarantee terms or withdrawal of the same completely the action of the government company could have been though as somewhat justified not otherwise. Lastly as you say the security amount the company deducted relates to some other contract & not this, and then they should have settled that issue in that contractual dispute with you, they cannot mix two contracts which are independent of each other even if they are between same parties. You should give a legal notice through your lawyer on these lines I have discussed here & claim the security amount wrongly deducted from your bill.

Women out there i need your help pronto!?

show interest in her work - keep an eye on her - see what she likes - what she loves to wear - her favorite color etc - every fine detail - and let her know - she will realise that u notice her :) - try to give her some company when she needs and leave her alone when she wants to be - be the sweet friend 'all there for you' kind - grow the friendship - and try to understand and respect her - your heart will speak for her even if u can't

Do I Love Him????????

He is this boy named Erik...ive known him sense 6th grade from a friend...he is tall blonde and a little awkward looking but that seems to be what i like...i liked him back in 6th grade all the way through 7th...he also liked me in 6th grade...but when i hit 8th grade he just all a sudden changed...not physically but he was a whole different person, i still feel sorta attracted to him but i feel so distant from him, especially sense im in 9th grade now and we never talk...but i remember the old Erik and that still makes me have hope and im just so confused...i know to follw my heart but i its not helping! he was just so nice and cute and smart but now he is more "popular" i guess and before he wasnt so that gave me hope...he is just so different now its kinda i have no clue...i just want to know how you think it seems like i feel....HELP PLEASE

DO you have a specific phobia that involves kissing?

Ever since one of my familie members told me that they have , and another one told me they could. I am petrefied of kissing anyone in their family circle. Even if I kiss a girl I am unsure of I will get an intense anxity/Depression similiar to identiacal to the one I would get with the family member that told me they have it. I will have hypertension in my head, no motivation, blurred vision and my body will be in shutdown until I get tested or just get out of it. I will be great aftert time and tests then someone kisses me aboutthree inches from my lips, an instant power goes through my body. I need help wit hthis as it is causing me to become antisocial and troubles at work. Can anyone relate?

Are Pisces girls bit**y?

The only pisces girls that are b*tchy are the ones born on the cusp of Aries. They are hot heads and always up to something devious.

To neuter or not to neuter?

i think you should neuter him, because there are serious health problems that can occur if not fixed.

I walked on my broken ankle.. ? :/?

Today I went downtown with a group of friends and we had to walk about three blocks to where we were going. I'm on crutches and in a cast because I broke my ankle a couple weeks ago and tore some ligaments. Well one of my friends told me I was going too slow and she was like "hurry up! you don't need your crutches, just try putting weight on your ankle." I told her I couldn't put weight on it but she insisted I try. I told her again NO but she just rolled her eyes at me and told me to stop being a baby. So, I did. . stupid idea . .the pain was bearable for about a block til I had to sit down and rest it. :( Now my ankle feels all weird and sore. What did I do to it? I'm so mad at her for pressuring me into walking. . ugh.. . what can I do to make it feel better?

Have you ever had an unexpected pregnancy due to spermicides?

I would like to hear how many women have had unplanned pregnancies due to the failure of spermicides. And if you have any theories as to why they had failed.

Why is there no decent werewolf costumes?

I've always wondered the same thing. I haven't seen any werewolf costumes. I've only seen wolfman, which suck. I know you can have them specially made exactly the way you want it by a costume designer, but it costs a lot of money. Other than that, you probably won't find one. Werewolves are really cool and the best Halloween costume idea, but for some reason they don't make them. :(

Web cam say not connected to messenger but ok on desktop?

Can anyone solve this problem it did work but had to do something with firewall put an IP Adress in and tcp of 5100 I think got this from messenger help this did work for a while .When I put cam back in on USB Port another day did not work., since then unable to use it but is ok for taking pics etc but not on messenger

USB port connecting internal hard drive. Is it what is happening here?

Hi everyone. Please help me with this question if you can. I bought a new PC a couple of days ago. The system unit was embled by the seller using components of his choice (I don’t know much about PC). So I trusted him. Now the strange thing happened: there is an icon appearing on the lower right hand corner of my screen right next to the time display. The icon is the same as when I connect a USB flash stick to the PC. So I am thinking that this icon should not be appearing now since I don’t have any USB device connected to the PC now. When I hover my mouse above the icon it says “Safely Remove Hardware”, and when I left click the icon, it says “Safely remove Hitachi HDS721616PLA380 - Drives(F:, E:, D:, C:)”. And this is my hard drive, which I think should be an internal hard drive. The property tab says that its location is: Location 0 (Primary ATA Channel). But why is this icon appearing? Please help. Thank you everyone.

Canon ZR900 Camcorder help please!?

I shoot weddings, Home Inventories and Video Biographys with Canon cameras, the ZR 500 and ZR 800. They take excellent video and use the best storage format, miniDV tapes. If you are going to start editing, that is the best option for you. Sony Vegas would be a better system that WMM, as no file conversion would be necessary.

A poll : Who deserves Bharat Ratna: Sachin Tendulkar or Satya Sai Baba?

Sachin Tendulkar did not do anything for the Nation, hence he is unfit to be even to think. Sathya Sai did a lot to the Nation. But, if Bharat Ratna awarded to the Saint Sathya Sai, there will be some dissatisfaction among other religious heads, even if the heads calm, the supporters, disciples do revolutions and make the country into unnecessary division in hinduism. so, Sathya Sai need not want a title which will create some disturbances. Let us wait for some time. There will be one person come to receive the title or will be awarded. one thing, all should accept a man.

Can I plug these speakers directly into my TV?

No, most tv now does not have an audio speaker connection. Instead they provide you an optical audio output for connection to your receiver or home theater in a box. Beside that tvs does not have enough to power your speakers, if there was a connection to the tv you could burn out the amplifier on the tv. You can purchase a power amplifier that has an optical input (separate power amplifier are hard to find now except for the high end). Or you can purchase a receiver (stereo just to power your speaker). Best thing is just return the speakers you purchase and look at an Onkyo HT-S model you can find at Fry's Electronic. It is a separate 5.1 or 7.1 receiver and a set of speakers and you can upgrade later beside you can add other equipment to it. The home theater in a box are not flexible and when one item fails the whole system needs to be replaced. Hope this will help you out.

Which is more economical when used as fuel for stove? LPG or Gasoline Vapor?

That would be LPG as it has a higher heat of combustion than gasoline. About 6% more. uming that LPG is propane, and it is the same price per kg. However if LPG cost more than 6% then answer would be reversed.

What would you consider to be worse?

Listening to a jack hammer for one hour at a distance of two feet or listening Ozzy Osbourne trying to complete an entire coherent sentence.

My aol "games" SCRABBLE has worked for over a month. I seem to have "modified url."?

Suddenly I cannot play POGO Scrabble free on aol. Have been playing for a month- no problem. I successfully click on "GAMES" But Tonight it goes to a screen that says "URL modified. Current URL is invalid." No instructions given how make valid again. Other games click on and work fine...just Scrabble won't play.

Parent Drama-I'm trying to deal with it but it's starting to become unbearable.?

I am a 30 year old female who has been living with her parents for the last two years. With the jobs I've had during that time, I've been able to save some money so that I could move out. Unfortunately I lost my job two months ago but have been applying for jobs left and right eversince. I've even thought about moving to Atlanta, GA but when I tell my parents that, my mother gives me the silent treatment and my dad even once told me that no one would want me there and that it made no sense to move there if I wasn't going to be happy. I've been there before and I know that I would be happy. Yes I have my fears, worries and concerns being that I am unemployed. But what point am I missing here and why are they acting like this when I am doing the best that I can and know how? Another question I want answered is why do they reject my offer to help with the bills at first but then gripe and complain about not helping out?

So if subliminal messages byp the five senses, what's left to pick them up?

an Extra Sense? Does that extra sense percieve them somehow?extra sense percieves.....extrasensory perception?

Who oversees the Federal Reserve?? Are they accountable to anyone?

The Federal Reserve is overseen by David Rockefeller and hi fellow NWO freaks in the Bilderberg Group. The North American Union is coming. It will be one of the economic zones in the NWO, as is the European Union, also called the Eurozone. We will be the Amerozone, hence the name of the new currency, the Amero (Euro ring a bell?). No, we're just tin-foil hatters, conspiracy "theorists" (although those pesky facts keep getting in the way).

Question about bridling? please help.?

Do a lot of ground work with him if you have extra time. When he tries to bite, whack him on the nose really hard. I know that sounds mean, but another horse would kick him if he tried to bite them and a hit is a lot nicer than being kicked by a horse. Also, horses won't har a horse that's higher in the pecking order than them so to him, you must seem lower in the pecking order than him. The ground work will help show him that you can tell him what to do instead of the other way around.

What is the name for someone who administers IQ tests?

The operator who administers IQ tests has a title something like "optometrist". What is it?

Whats a good, school appropriate song that has 10 literary or poetic terms in the lyrics?!?

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Is it bad for a whisker to fall off?

I noticed a fallen whisker on my desk from my cat (bubbles). Is it bad for it to fall off? I'd also like to know, what is the purpose of cat whiskers?

What is the name of this children/tween book?

I'm trying to remember the name of my favorite book when I was a tween. I bought it from the Scholastic book fair at my school...I guess it was 1999 or so. I bought it in elementary school, but it seemed more middle school level. I can't remember the exact details, but I think the book was about a couple of teens who were stuck in their home during a snowstorm and they invited some injured guy into the house. They eventually suspect he's a killer or something. I think the cover showed a picture of a house in a snowstorm. And possibly a snowman. I think maybe the title and author's name were written in purple cursive. I hope someone knows which book I'm talking about because I would love to read it again!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Silverado 19 movie theater? 10 Points,pleasee help!?

Anyone know if there's a website where I can check movie showtimes for that theater? It's in houston,if anyone knows please send me a link to the website, thanks! If there isn't a website for any silverado theaters , please tell me.

How to ask about writing a missionary?

Anyone can write a missionary. I don't think there are any specific rules about what you can write about but do keep in mind that they are supposed to be focused on their mission. But yes missionaries do love to get letters and are allowed to write you back.

What would you think?

I hav a group a friend i always hang out withWe drink & chill all the time.but Me & 1 of my friend always end up kissin the 1st time it happen i talkd 2him & i told him i would rather like him as a friend than anything else but its happnd again &the lasttime we messd he asked me "what i thought about us how we always ended up being alone and kissin & y it only happen 2 us"i said "idk" we ended up fallin asleep togethr n i woke up 2him kissn me i like him alot but i feel like he doesnt like me its been a month &ive only hungout with him once since then i ran into him at the store and we said hi as if nothing had happend &had a small conversation idk what to do is he just messin around or does he like me even a little bit also when we r all JUST hanginout he likes 2tease me makin jokes &things like that but @ the same time he tells every1 he has nevr meet a girl like me that is always down 4anythin i kinda want 2 ask him what he thinks but i dont want 2 make it seem like im sprung HELP

Can I have an upside down linkage in my durango?

Recently my husbands friend replaced a band strut in my 2002 dodge durango (46re). Ever since he replaced it, it has a problem from getting from 0-20. Then after about 20 mph it's fine. From a dead stop it can barely accelerate. However I tried to drive it in 2nd, then first and it drove normally. Could he have put it back in upside down?

What is the average height and weight for a 11 year old girl?Plz help Plz?

well... wen i was 11 everyone was around 80 lbs.... so i would say lose a bit of weight and ur heights fine.. just sleep and drink milk and by no time ull grow.

What is the best way to get real, free psychiatric help?

Hi! I'm doing councilling courses right now and doubt that I'm good enough yet to help, but I just want to say that what you're experiencing right now is 'normal'. Those are all symptoms of depression. Losing your job is at the top of the most traumatic things that can happen to you ever. If you could pull yourself through by your positive attitude before, already that's something to hand on to. Concentrate on what you can change, not what you can't. Go all out to find a job again. Just the physical exertion of typing up resumes and going for interviews might keep your mind off things. Try to go outside for a walk. Just being out in the sunshine and getting tired is a wonderful balm for the soul.

Anyone love homemade juice?

Yup. I love it because we are using the real fruit.. in stores and juice shop they will add syrup for the flavor...

Private investigator stalking me (crazy motherinlaw)?

ok... so about a month ago my husbands mother decided to hire a private investigator to follow me around while my husbands in jail (for stupid speeding tickets causing a revoked license) because supposedly, me having to get up every morning and go to work (around people heaven forbid) as a receptionist at a clinic and then driving home only to go to sleep and do it all over again the next day is "BEING A WHOS CHEATING" Anyways, this woman is a psychopath obviously I dont need to go in to details about that because thats obvious enough from my first run on sentence. So because of her stupidity, she decided to use her last few unemployment checks to hire a private investigator to follow me around. This investigator sent my husband a package in jail full of BULLSHIT. They got all my phone records and circled numbers that call my phone that I dont even answered for and says there people Im cheating with when the numbers are friggin solicitors!! I dont understand how this is legal!!!! My question is, how far can an investigator go to try to 'prove" you guilty of something? Also, my husband contacted me and told me she sent him stuff from my facebook too!!! I dont know if he's lieing or what because he wont go into details but I checked to see every IP address from computers going on my facebook and there is, in fact, a whole bunch from IP addresses that arnt mine!! I've changed my pword a bunch of times but I dont know how this investigator is doing this!! Can FaceBook give the investigator permission to do this?!?! Is any of this even legal!!! I get TONS of stuff through emails for my bank account, is she gunna give his mother my bank account info next. I'm so confused I dont know what to do. If anyone, knows please help me.

There is no PTR record in the DNS for this IP address? Help!?

the internet is an untrusted domain. there is a lot you can do that is cunning and naive. you can have devices that generate IP Adresses that look like it originated from another country while in fact it could have been your neighbour. hackers and attackers normally try to use various means, such as a proxy in another country, ip generators, or even use another computer in another country to launch an attack on someone else. the methods and means go on and is very vast. so yes your umption is correct too

Do you have any suggestions for me, my friends?

I love this poem and words as these words cut to the bone' but people like these in the poem' should be cut down to the bone as they stick their noses up At me' as i ask for the time and look at people that do not have not much as they are the maggots of the world.Only In their warped eyes as if they looked into the mirror' they would see the true maggots of society I'm sure...

I know this is a lot to ask, but I really need the help?

Character for what? If it's online game non of those sound unique and are probably all taken. Amierus is one I used its Latin and describes something on a type of catfish.

How can i afford gas guzzler for my first car?

My grandma offered me her 2002 ford excursion for when i get my license. unfortunately, it is gas, not diesel, so it will be very difficult to afford. what can i do to make it more affordable (besides driving less) or make it easier to pay for?

If someone is estranged from their alleged family, would you give that person the cell # to those family mem?

My dad raised a girl from the time that she was an infant until she was about 14. He has no blood relation with her. He cut her loose for his own reasons and hasn't spoken to her in 15 years. I randomly received a call from that girl on my cell and she addressed me as "hi sister". She has no relationship with me whatsoever. The only thing she could have been calling me for was to beg for money or something but all she got was the dialtone. I can't believe that someone gave out my cell number

What would you do if you were me? A moral question. Opinions appreciated!?

A "friend" of mine offered to replace a bathroom suite for me while I was on holiday but I returned to find he had completely gutted the bathroom whereby there wasn't even a floorboard in place. He says he did it because he found water damage to the plaster behind shower and thought it be nice to help me out with a complete bathroom refit. He never made any attempt to call me about this while I was away and stripped the bathroom without my consent. I found this astounding since it was a large cost I was to bear and he never even bothered to call me! Nine days later he finally told me what he had done and said that he would have the bathroom completed within 6 weeks in a budget of �2,000. I gave him the chance but instead he took control of the project knowing I was in a difficult situation, not being able to afford to pay a tradesman to come in a do a job like that. It took him 6 months to finish the bathroom and it cost me nearly �11,000 for the materials, loss of rental income and other bills. He only finished it in that time because I forced him into it by committing to tenants and I came down on him like a ton of bricks. He didn't like that one bit but at least he got the job done and he completed what was left in one and a half days. He could have done that kind of work months previously and saved me thousands. I now have debt to repay. He turned out to be manipulative and controlling and I think he did what he did really believing he was doing me a favour at the time and that 'I would owe him one'. I have never been interested in him and never have given him reason to believe so yet when I found a new partner a couple of months from when the bathroom was gutted, he got worse with not doing the work and played it like a game. What would you do if you were me? Should I sue him?

Do you still use film? What is it better than digital for? What brand?

Well i know that digital cameras can be unpreciesed and blurry. for sure i think that film is the best! what kind and what not i dont know. sorry.

Why would caffeine have a reverse effect on me?

About a half hour after consuming a triple shot espresso I'm feeling I could lay down in bed and fall asleep. Usually whenever I drink caffeine I never have such a hard crash, could there be an explanation for this?

What are my chances of becoming a UFC fighter in the future?

i'm turning 14 in august and i got my dad to be able to sign me up for MMA around end of july, working out 6 times a week, BJJ, Kick Boxing, they also have Karate and Kung Fu. But i think around football season i think i might not get to practice as much, off season i will. I'm already in great shape, most people consider me fairly ripped. And so i'm wondering what are my chances of going pro are if i start at this age??

How to bring someone to the USA from the Philippines for a visit?

read this site , it will answer ur questions regarding visas and the process, requirements, fees and even the interview.. goodluck!

Rupert Bear, Paddington, or Winnie The Pooh?

Three delightful British creations, and three cute little bears... But which bear would win against the others, in a full on, bare knuckle fist fight?

I have a patch of dry, flaky, red skin on the head (glans) of my .?

Initially I thought it might be an STD sore, however all the tests (gonn, syph etc.) came back negative. It is about 1cm across and is not painful (just very very slightly itchy if touched). My doctor suggested it might be fungal so I obtained some chlamydia cream but after 4-5 days there is no improvement. As a precaution I have not had any since noticing it, however I did masturbate with some (Wet Stuff) lube about 2 days ago and this caused some discomfort, a slight burning sensation. I am circised. I am prone to eczema at this time of the year but I have never had anything like this on my before (though I do experience an occasional outbreak of , I take valacyclovir on prescription to control this. I am sure that the current condition is not -related). Can anyone ist before I return to the doctor?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Math help for algebra 2 please!

When you say "they,each has a CONSTANT speed"it means,the distance from Caitlin to Becky is always ( 12 - 8 )=4km.

I have a Kubota 1600 diesel lawnmower with a problem?

When cutting gr with the blades engaged the mower loses power and seems like it will cut out completely, it then powers up to normal speed before dying down once more? Would anyone be able to help please?

What are some examples of instinctive reactions that we supress in modern life?

We are naturally fearful of people who are strangers, especially if they don't resemble us or the people in our small "in-group." But in today's world, we have to deal with strangers all the time, and if we're smart, we recognize that just because someone is different, they aren't dangerous.

How To Transfer Realplayer Videos To Windows Movie Maker?

Ive Been Trying To Put One Of My Movies I Downloaded On Youtube Using Windows Movie Maker But It Always Says 'The file C:\Users\user\Videos\Osmosis Jones.flv cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again. HOW DO I RESOLVE

2 yr OCC+ 2 yr UC VS. 4 year CSU?

it really depends. if u go to cal poly san luis obispo(its a csu), then you'll be fine. Other than cal poly,i think you should transfer

When serving wine by the gl always....?

use a tulip gl, grab the glase by the base and balance it on your palm, grab the gl by the stem or grab the top 2 thirds of the gl to serve?

Why would our Ann Coulter choose to label Gov. Christies' waist size as stunning?

Anne does sometimes play for laughs just like Beck. Weird part is how serious people take these two - they are comedians, not serious political commentators.

Help! I made a very silly mistake with my contacts! SCARED?!?

You'll probably feel the -4.00 in the one eye is too strong and you may feel like you're going crosseyed. Just get out a case, put solution in it, and save it for next time, it'll be fine.

Should i go to vet for bird right now?

my bird has a serious injurie should i go to vet because its 10:00 at night on tue. or can i wate till sat.

Anyone here knows a website i can buy a Katana sword. Or where should i look?

and maybe its a long shot, but if they know a shop in Bulgaria or have such a sword and are going to visit Bulgaria soon.. i really want to find one and i cant go to Tokyo to buy one tho :(

Are you cold right now?!??!!?!?

I'm FREEZING!!! It's like 8 degrees!!!! I have a cami, longsleeved shirt, sweatshirt, bathrobe, leggings, velour pants over those, and 3 pairs of socks and slippers on. IT'S SO COLD! Are you?

James Cameron Lost Cathedral Harper Fight?

When you enter the lost cathedral on RDA at the garden sector how do you beat him? i cant go up to where he is and more avatars keep comming...HELP!

How to become an interpreter/translator?

First you study well Chineese and Japaneese language through a mediator (Better than self study)even from an Institute or a teacher ,you do some translation in both language.This should be in a systemetical way .After you get good confidence, You are qualified to applay Foreign Language Dept.

What does this tell you?

when a guy stands and stares at you for as long as he can while his girlfriend is there, and also cant take his eyes off you when he isnt with his girlfriend as well and gets flustered around you.

Why has Shaun Marsh been left out of the ODI squad in SA?

I dont know! I wondered why!! I think they should have picked him. Haddin did a good job but that was againist NZ. Marsh played well enough to get back in i thought. myabe they think hes still injured??

Question about cycling my aquarium?

With such a tiny tank you will only be able to put a couple small fish in it. It sounds like it should be ready for a fish as long as you have had the filter going and a light on while it has been cycling. Also an air line or some type of current in the water. The good bacteria need oxygen to live. Get only one small fish and only feed it once a day (only as much as it can eat in a couple minutes) for a week. Test the water every other day. Then as long as that fish is doing good after a week and the water has been right, you can add another fish. If the nitrites spike at any time, just do a 25 percent water change and continue watching the levels. Ahh i see.. Then yes try putting a bit of food in the water every day. That will help the cycle. Also take a a couple handfulls of the gravel in the seahorses tank and put it in the new tank. Than you have a head start on the bacteria and as long as the levels dont fluctuate after the food and gravel (test every other day) then id say its safe for the little guys after another couple weeks.

Halloween's senseless who agrees?

Yes It Is Senseless But Its First Of All fun and second that's not really what I guess Its Supposed to be like. It Started as day of the dead. Check This Out, It Might Change your opinion, It might not.

How to bleed your brakes ..pads in the fron with brake cylinders on the back?

any tips anyone has for someone that has never bled brakes before .. precautions and such would be greatly appreciated

How do I tell him I DO want to hang out with him!?

Just tell him what you wrote her...It is kinda weird, he has a new gf and if i was her, i wouldn't want my guy hanging out with another female...

How do you make your figure-skate fit better?

ive had risport etioles too im landing my flip in them my coach saw someone go to her competitions in them i had the same problem for me the only answer was to buy new skates try tightening them reguarly if you skate for long hour then you will losen them talk to a coach about different lacing types you can find a different style of lacing for your levelxxx

What are the ways i can expand my social circle?

im a 20 yr old student and i feel the need to expand my social circle for love and career prospects. My timetable is pretty hectic frm 8am to 5pm everyday. Any suggestions what are the ways i can expand my social circle? Thanks!

Im making jello molds and i was wondering how do get the jello out of the mold in 1 piece?

and still look like the mold with out a problem i cant seem to do it i have the jello molds seen in this picture|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14#ebayphotohosting

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Have a Q about the Boeing 717?

No not really. There might be some sound coming into the cabin from the 737 engine. The 717 engines are like right on the whole plane making a louder sound in the cabin.

Does he like me back?

Okay. I go to a youth group and church where I see me crush/potential boyfriend. He is 15 and I am 13. When I see him, he will smile and wave then spend most of his time near me, talking to me, about my family, etc. I also ask him stuff so we know eachother. He always sits next to me and we have a thing where we kick eachother playfully. He is so perfect and sweet and shares my religious views. I have a major crush on him. I cant stop thinking about him. Oh and also, last week we went on our youth groups bus to get ice cream. There were lots of empty seats and he sat next to me, and talked to me. He had a twinkle in his big blue eyes <3 hehe. Anyway, I was flirting and trying to see if he was single. I asked why he didnt bring his gf to church. He responded I dont have one. Then I asked why, you are really cute..he said he likes getting to know ppl better before asking them out. Does he like me? Any feedback will be so appreciated. Thank you :)

What will 150 mgs of DXM do to me?

OK so am 5'8, 144lbs. I want to take four pills that will give me 150 mgs of DXM. How high will I be? What effects will I feel.

Wow! How to do things different next year...?

My kids (5 y.o girl and 9 y.o stepson) come from a large extended, generous family. This Christmas, they made an absolute haul of wonderful gifts and general outpouring of love. Today I took them to the store with me for detergent, etc and all I hear was, "Gimme..." and "I want..." and "Buy me...." I felt sick to my stomach. All I could think was that I had two greedy little monsters on my hand. Once in the car, I told them that there were kids out there who didn't get ANYTHING for Christmas and all my kids could do was demand more and I couldn't believe how greedy and ungrateful they were. (They didn't respond) I don't want a repeat of this behavior next year. Any ideas on what to say or do??

Is it a valid agreement?

in morocco last year i signed an agreement with my husband about custody of our daughter,there was no lawyer or anyone with me and its unauthorized and actually i didn't understand it all i signed because i trusted him.i am in LA now.will the law of CA consider it?thanks

Could someone tell me what the following sentence mean?

the Vendor may forfeit the deposit paid by the Purchaser except so much of it as exceeds 20% of the Total Purchase Price. It the deposit exceeds 20% of the total purchase price, what should the Vendor do?

Does anybody know Psychic Dr. Rob of 162 Guelph Street, Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 5X7 ?

They are all fakes. The fact he asked you money for a reading proves that. I can get the Word of my Saviour and my God without paying. I just pick up my Bible and there it is!

Why was my question removed? just wondering...?

i asked a question a couple weeks ago about the book chasing vermeer? i had to read it for school. if you have ever read the book, you know that on the odd numbered chapters' illustrations, there is a code type hidden message. in my question, i asked where part of the code was. i found the other half of the message but couldn't find the other. i asked if i could have a little help finding it. after all, i needed it for school, and you cant say i was cheating when ive seen people ask questions that you can tell are straight from a worksheet or workbook. i didnt get an answer all day, so i just asked a friend. i havent been on since then, but now i see that it was removed. im not sure why though! i wasnt chatting, being rude, soliciting, or anything that is against the rules on here! can someone help exlpain this to me?

Good places to go on a first date...somewhere simple and fun?

go out to ice cream or food BEFORE the me, it will make everything more comfortable and then you can get closer during the film like holding hands and what not...

For people that know anything about motorcycles/bikes..?

im looking for a small motorcycle.. i dont wanna big one i just want something in between, like a wimpy motorcycle. like the one in the movie hotrod? i would apreciate a name of some or just something i could google. thanks :D

French speaking?

Hi, just to let you know there's a really good site... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a which allows you to type in your text and choose a French voice and it will say it for you correctly. It can speak a bit fast though sometimes. Good luck.

What would cause a puppy to sneeze every few hours for 3 weeks?

Ummm I don't know what kind of vet you have but the only way i even figured out my dog has allergies was due to her sneezing. My vet confirmed it.

Why is reggaeton...............?

starting to sound sorta technoish? Im barely noticing it with hits like Don omar-Diva virtual and most of the new Wisin y Yandel songs. Don't believe me check out most of 2009's reggaeton and most of it sounds more like techno with spanish lyrics in it. It's a nice change from the same old reggaeton beat but it doesn't have it's..."latino flavor" no more wich is sorta a let down.

Questions about stomach flu.?

Do you still feel sick? Or was it just a couple of times off diarrhea? With stomach flu you will probably feel all over sick too.

Why doesn't my Mother inlaw want me to BELIEVE in myself?!!?

Maybe she needs to mother somebody . Do more smiling and more nodding when you're around her . If she calls and pulls the bully routine ..sit the phone on it's side while you do what you were doing before she called . Every once in awhile bend over the phone and go ".Hmmmm" . It will prevent a few bad feeling all the way around . Some people were never shown much kindness growing up , and therefore know little about showing it one on one . She may try in the only way she knows how : on special occasions & complimenting you to others . Then too , she may be trying to see if you really care for her - testing your reaction . I sense that she cares for you a great deal but is unable to relay that to you .In the scheme of things its easier to let it go because you already are well aware of your capabilities .

Help me make my own web page?

You can setup a website with photos, videos, blogs, forums, and more at It's very customizable and totally free. You can add all kinds of custom content to make your site look the way you want it to. Good luck!

Parents: Do you find this sickening? Suri Cruise's 2nd birthday bash reportedly cost $100,000!!?

yea it is ridiculous, but it's there kid and their money. they have a right to spend it however they choose. Remember, they earned their money to. if you had that kind of money i'm sure you'd blow it too.

Burts Bees Acne treatment.. Bad for me?

I have been trying many things to treat my acne and recently i was going through some magazines and saw ads for it so i decided to give it a try. I was wondering if anyone knows if its bad for your face. I dont know what Salicylic Acid is...but the lotion (which is all im using) smells kinda odd, maybe its just because its like all natural or something. Anyways Thanks for reading this and responding if you do. =]

What's up with Kairi?

Why does Kairi (in Kingdom Hearts 2) have a nobody? I don't get it. I see why Sora, Riku, and the professor's istant all have one but why Kairi?

Spanish help pleasee!?!?!?

Using "have to" answer the following questions IN SPANISH. Use the appropriate verb form �Tenemos que escribir en espa�ol?

I need to find someone's address online..?

I'm out of money so I need a free site if possible. I have full name, date of birth and rough whereabouts.. any ideas are welcome. Thanks. x

Opinions on these names please?

I think Lara Kathryn is a cute name, but Anna is used to much. madeline is okay, but wouldn't be my first choice. violit is kinda cute, in my opinion I dont like eleanor or Penelope and instead of Elisabeth I would personally go with Isabella (Ella) I did not get this off of twilight, I liked it was before that! some other cute names are rose Mary ( Rosie), maddison (not sure how to spell that) maeridith (maer-i-dith) Kathryn (Katie) I think picking a name should be unique, whether it's a different name or spelling! hope I helped!

Is this being depressed? or what?

same thing happened to me. Moreso because i switched schools, i think. anyway i just don't like being around immature people, where their like drinking and doing drugs. i'm fine with the goofy people but anyways your not depressed just more sure of who you are and more comfortable with yourself than your friends are with themselves it really helps me to talk to my old friends you shoud try it :)

GTA san andreas?

what happens when you taker over all of the gang territories in los santos on the pc version? do you get a call from sweet thanking you or what? there are no vagos territories left and only a few ballas turf left

Is he just overtired?

My 5 month old son has been screaming on and off ALL day! He woke up this morning happy, and then all of a sudden was very unhappy. Hes been eating fine and I can calm him down for a few minutes then he screams again. Right now he is sleeping for the 2nd time all day (Thank God). He hasn't been pulling his ears or anything. Hes temperature orally was 99.8. I have a call into the nurse on call but they said it could be an hour before anyone gets back to me. What do you think could be wrong?

Friday, January 13, 2012

What gauge steel is used for unibody floorboards?

i just recently posted a question about using fibergl to repair the floorboards in my 82 camaro and my thought that it wasnt a good idea was pretty much confirmed. ive seen posts saying to use 22 gauge steel to fabricate patch panels. my question is does anyone know what gauge the actual floor pans are made from because i got hold of some 22 gauge steel to use and it seems rather flimsy for what im intending to use it for. any help would be greatly appreciated

Mormons: Who was Jesus' Father? Was it Adam?

Brigham Young taught Adam god theory teaching that Adam was god the father. The church has gone away from that. Jesus did have the father. God the Father name Elohim. Who came down to have relations with Mary.

Why is everyone asking for Julian ange ( Wikileaks ) head on a plate?

I totally agree with you and Ron Paul here. This guy reported real information that was being kept from the public, which is total BS. I'm so tired of the government's and the media's disingenuous crap. We deserve to know the truth about what's going on, and they are just embarred about it, and defending it with the guise of protecting national security.


I have sushi that was bought yesterday at a local grocery store and was fresh. It has imitation crab and mayo in it, but also preservatives. I have the strongest immune system ever when it comes to food. How long should I leave it out if I want food poisoning? And how many pieces should I leave out to consume?

New episode of Hannah Montana? Dentist?!?

Hey guy! I was wondering, does anyone have spoilers to the new HM episode where she needs to go to the dentist? If you do, post them here! Also, no snide or rude remarks about the show. Thanks!

Unfairly banned world of warcraft account?

Your account probably got hacked and was used for gold botting/spamming... Contact Blizzard support, explain the case, and they will review the information found on the account... If anything flags as suspicious they can probably work towards fixing the account.

Getting rid of scale bugs?

My "goldfish" plant has scales that it picked up from a rubber tree plant that someone gave to me. I got rid of the rubber plant and thought that the scale bugs were gone but they had transfered to this plant. I have tried taking all of them (that I can see) off and spraying them with a spray for scale bugs but nothing seems to completely eradicate them. Does any one have any suggestions of products they have used that have worked. Keep in mind, I have two cats in the house so I can't use anything that will hurt them. Thanks in advance!

Why are the lines of latitude and longitude important?

It's a convenient way to say exactly where things are. It's especially useful in the ocean since there aren't a lot of landmarks.

What does (it needs to be) mean i this context?

it mean that the breakdown can be less hazardous if it was discovered. So, the breakdown does not NEED to be as mive , if only it can be discover,.

What do u think of reverand wright saying a few yrs back that HIV was started to destroy "people of color"?

Reverend Wright has been in the news a lot and people are all talking about the most recent things he has said. So I thought I'd bring up something he said years back.

Someone wnt to make me an outfit please? i like the layering..more details. read on?

clothe's like iCarly are probably similiar to places like charlotte russe, forever 21, wetseal. i love all them stores (: but tank tops/camis from hollister look cool under things too. & def. try h&m. hope i helpeddd. <3

9DPO, Pink Spotting???

Ok, i just went to the bathrom and when i wiped ther was pink, like watered down blood (sorry if TMI). I have been TTC and had with my Husband the day before my OV day on 4-18-08. Is this a good sign?? Took Test this morning with BFN of course its a little too early. My levels were really low with my 1st son and took blood test for a positive. Some mild cramping, BBs look different, VERY sleepy. I have never had this "spotting" before. Please, what do you think?? I will retest and all that on the day AF is supposed to visit, on May 4th. HERE's HOPING for Baby No2!!!! :-)

Little dog chasing big dog?

We're out all day tomorrow so my 11 week old female puppy is going to a friends she has a very quiet dog alot bigger that mine (dont know the breed but its got alot of wrinkles very wrinkly dog) its a female. And we took my dog around and i thought shed be scared but she ran after my friends dog chasing her. my friends dog ran upstairs she was that scared. isit possible that tomorrow when my puppy goes round for the day that the dog might get wound up and rebound back or anything. the owner is going to keep a good eye on them both. will everything be ok? thanks. Isit common for a big dog to be small of a small dog? thanks

I write songs for my band, but they all like different stuff. How do I incorporate all of the genres?

I have worked in the same band for three years.I write material that fits our sound. We play Blues R&B. clic rock.But when we first got together we were doing material that didn,t work for us. It took A while to find.That nitch.Once we found that formula for us.Our over all sound improved.Plus it made us a tighter band.It has been easier. to write music because,I know what each of us excell at as far as musical ability.Knowing these things give you what you need to insure that you can keep your sound fresh.Trying to make everyone happy is impossible.I doubt your Ideas are going to fly in this combination of musicians.What songs do you play well.This is going to determine where you go musically.

I don't believe in religion and this is why?

If any one religion is the truth, this must mean that every single other of the world's religions are a sham. So why should I believe in any particular religion? I'm not trying to incite anything, I feel it's a reasonable question.

Pretty Little Liars confusion?

I have been watching pretty little liars but i missed the 1st 5 episodes of season 1. I have been reading on the blogs that in the books Mona is A and Ally is the real killer of herself who is actually courtney.? Then I decided to go back and start watching episodes on my dvr and then I thought that hannah was just dreaming when she saw Ally in the hospital after she was hit with the car, but allison said to her " I was so afraid you were going to die I had to come back to see if you were ok no matter how dangerous it is" So is that the REAL allison or was it just a dream??? And what is the deal with Jenna why was she having Caleb spy on hanna???

Is there any truth to the folklore?

Is there any truth to the folklore that doctors once used rabbits to test women for pregnacy,if so how?

Is Abkhazia a Christian or a Muslim country?

The population (including all ethnic groups) of Abkhazia are majority Orthodox Christians (appx 75%) and Sunni Muslims are a minority(appx 10%). Both religions get along beautifully with each other.

How can you create a wireless hotspot so I can play my PSP online at home?

I want to play Madden 07 on my PSP online. I don't want to go to a library or anyhting, is it possible to create my own hotspot. If it matters, I have SBC Yahoo.

Backpack help: North face or someting else?

I suggest Jansport over North Face. Jansport is cheaper, more durable, and has good shoulder padding. =)))))

Do you believe that traditional martial arts have to do more for their students to teach real combat?

Even it is traditional or modern it is all the same, the main fact is this as of now they following the rules. Like in taekwondo we teach our students not only to fight but also to become a good a leader. All kind of person are being trained in martial arts know how to fight even outside the ring, but the best defense is how to make friends with them.

Anyone who wanna buy fish?

I am looking for restaurants who are interested to purchase fresh water fishes, shrimps, and squids from Laguna De Bay.

THis guy that i like is coming over in 1 hour!?

wear a y thong, laced bra.and transparent lingerie. Go like this when he shows up, and u wont have to worry

Cats?!?!? Weird!?!?

I kinda.. sorta scared my cat.. and her under her nose above her mouthe where the whiskers are started to twitch what does that mean?

Are there any songs that remind u of anything?

ex: the song exceptional by jojo reminds me of on those movies where someones havin a really rough time and then they go into a bar or diner and sit down and then the waiter or bartender comes up and starts talkin to them and they have the slow music in the background

Physics sound , tension, and waves help?

The speed of the wavefronts are always the same. They depend more on the kind of the medium (depth and viscosity of the liquid and the gas above) than on the speed of the actuator. The scene becomes different the closer the speed of the object grows towards the speed of the wave fronts. With sound, one can hear a condensed group of waves when a supersonic airplane has ped. There I can not give a full description for your question.

How do snipers deal with their kills?

each bullet almost has a name on it rather than a machine gunner who aims for a general term i.e. terrorist

Who should i side with on this issue?

that is a pretty sticky situation considering that they are both your friends. they might not realize it but it is kind of unfair of them to put you in this position knowing that your friends with both of them. i think it'd be a mistake to take one side over the other because i think that's just gonna create more problems. you might one sit down with each other them one on one, seperately and sort of talk to them and get them to explain why they feel so much anger towards the other person. like talk to the guy first and let him explain his feelings to you about her and then talk to the girl alone at another time and allow her to share her feelings with you about the situation. try to find some common ground on the issue and i think by just doing that and listening to both sides unbiasedly, you can convince your friends to drop their animosity towards each other and act civil. let them know that they are BOTH still your friends and that they're being unfair because they're putting you in an awkward situation and you'd like to sort of forgive, forget and move on. i know this sounds too much like dr. phil or whatever you wanna call it but i think that this method can be really useful. that's what i would do, is defnately sit down with each other them and try to understand their point of view and then after i've talked to both sides, i can present them with a consensus. I'm hoping to be lawyer and i guess im just used to dealing with things that way and looking at both sides of the situation. i really hopes this helps and hasn't confused you :) good luck!

A Moral Dilemma Of Sorts.?

Good Evening. I am a 17 year old werewolf who is facing a moral dilemma of sorts. I am dazzingly in love with a gorgeous shy girl named Bella but she does not love me in return. I am heartbroken. But! All is not lost. She recently gave birth to a baby girl and i have imprinted on her. By the time she is 7 years old she will look 17, and one umes resembles her mother. Is it morally sound for me to ravage her 7 year old body senseless? (Remember she LOOKS 17)

Explain this"salt bridge helps to maintain electrical neutrality of two electrolytes"?

If electrons are lost by the negative electrode, the whole cell would become positive. The salt bridge allows electrolyte ions to move so as to correct this imbalance - and the same at the positive electrode, of course.

My Beef Pot Roast Taste Bland :( Please help me make it taste more sweet/flavorful!?

okay....basics of a pot roast. Season and brown it or sear it in a skillet first. Always. Never put a raw hunk of meat in the crock pot. Also, you are over doing the spices. Stick with salt and pepper, garlic until you have more experience. Don't add lemon anymore either. I don't know why you would do that. No basil either. I hope this works out for your next one. I don't know how to fix this one though. I'm sorry. Did you brown it though?

Google Chrome has stopped working on my computer, how do I fix this problem?

If you can say what security software you are using that will help. It isn't a Google chrome problem.

What fuel should i use for the 2009 toyota rav4?

im not sure if i should be using the regular grade fuel or anything higher, should i be using 87, 89, or 91 octane for my car?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ps3 or 360 plz answers?

i want the ps3 or 360 and i cant decide i like halo 3 fable 2 and banjo kazoee (lol) i like the ps3 online is free bluray included little big planet resistance 2 please pick 1 console and explain y u chose it, thx

I saw this on yahoo answers please help im scared!! Fertility question!!?

Don't stress, my pointer fingers are shorter than my ring fingers and I am 30 weeks pregnant with my second (2 pregnancies in 2 years) I am not sure how accurate that method is, although it says heightened risk, not definite.

I've got an Acer 1916w and the screen settings got screwed up by windowblinds i think, can anyone help?

The blue, green, red color settings, and the brightness and contrast settings are off so that videos are barely recognizable. I've been fiddling with them but it just doesn't seem right, so i was looking for help from anyone with a good idea for settings, or someone with a similar monitor that still has the factory settings programed.

What is the "evil eye?"?

I don't mean that look the b*tchy girl down the street gave you, I mean the evil eye from folklore. What is it? And is it correct that blue-eyed people are resistant?

Filtration advice please?

I have a 90 gal tank with 2 Aqua Clear 110’s on it . I like plenty of filtration and also like A.C filters due to very low operating cost . I was thinking of going over to a canister filter for this tank because I am thinking of changing over to salt water in about a year . Can anyone recommend a good brand of Canister that will be OVER the recommended filtering for this tank that has a low cost of operation ? Thanks for your time . Best answer will get points .

Dealing with dogs with natural instinct and drive for a job...?

Well several of my dog "play" for a living, retrieving waterfowl and chasing rabbits. My ACD however has a job, and HIS job pays me well. Clicker training I found was a complete waste of time with a herding dog because they can't hear it from three miles away on the other side of a canyon. My ACD is trained to take visual casts in much the same way that a retriever does when being handled on a blind retrieve. From 50 years experience if a person plans to train a dog to that level the LAST thing they want to do is become single faceted with their training methods. I can "handle" my ACD to a cows location literally from the next mountain top, and a dog will never learn to do that if all the trainer is willing to do is hand the dog a cookie. Many people don't seem to be able to get past the debate of positive and negative reinforcement. Well until a person can get past that hangup I guess there really isn't much of a reason to talk about direct and indirect pressure is there. Without a complete understanding of how direct and indirect pressure, and attrition works sorry to say it but that person will never have a dog able to handle to it's full potential.

How many of these books have you read?

I've read 23 out of the 100 listed. There are several others that I have watched the films of, but I know that doesn't count. :)

Are most top contributors know alls ?

No, actually I've seen some very nice and helpful people with the TC badge. Some are obnoxious "know it alls," sure, but any group has some good and some bad.

Vet Techs.. How much do you earn?

How much you earn varies a lot based on where you live. The starting salary salary where I work is about $6.50/hour. Not much. As one of the senior techs (and one of the highest paid techs), I still only make about $8.25/hour. No one there works as a tech because of the money. We do it because we love it. It is enough to live on if you have minimal bills, cheap apartment, don't eat out much, etc., but it certainly isn't going to give you a lot of spending money. Most of our techs either live with their parents or have a spouse paying most of the bills with their jobs.

How Is It Possible?

If Jehovah/God created the angels, and God was the only mentor and teacher of the angels. How is it possible that Lucifer, the bearer of light was able to rebel against God? If God was the only teacher that the angels never had, and he taught them all properly how is it possible that Lucifer learned of the idea of rebellion against God. How is it possible that Lucifer desired to want to take the position of God without learning the desire from God since God was their only teacher? This point and question seems to me to be impossible with the claim of God's perfection... What do you think?


hey guys. straight to it... about 2 months ago i committed a burglary in Auckland. It was the most stupid thing have ever done in my life. I let myself and most importantantly, my family down. I feel like absolute ****. I hate having done it. I was arrested and chagred with burglary. im 17 you see. I will probably get convicted and this will affect the rest of my life. How can I get my sef to get over this? Humans make mistakes and im only human. How can I get over this ******* **** and move on with life? thanks guys sorry for the language but im furious at myself for doing this ****.

Easy guitar party songs?

my mum is having a bunch of people come over tonight. she is forcing me to play my guitar. i need a bunch of recognizable songs to play for them. i'm fairly good, but alot of the stuff i play they won't recognize. i need something impressive and recognizable. it can be lead or rhythm is doesn't matter. ot i've already got a couple down. so please share

Toefl center in dallas?

Since you have no answers in almost a day perhaps you need to be more clear on what it is you need. More description perhaps.

I think my friend has a shopping problem. Is there somebody she can see to fix this problem?

She was depressed today becausee her and her boyfriend got into a fight, im NOT suprised. all they EVER do is fight. & she was crying so we girls day and went shopping. she went CRAZY! spent 1,000 in one store, no joke. she was like " i want this and this and this and this.. omg that is SO cuteee". she needs to save at least a little money for a rainy day. she bought a lot of dior and steve madden. I told her she is handing over her credit card until she can learn to manage money better. this is ridicilous for a 19 yr old to be spending 1,000 in one store. she was like " shopping is instant mood lifter, i feel so much better now"

Gwen Stefani lost her singing voice after she left No Doubt?

I think she sounds like she is just trying to sing along with the music in her solo stuff BUT when she was in No Doubt...can you say..."Don't Speak"? She was way better there. Don't believe me? Try...*blah*.."Wind it Up". She should "wind it down" with her screaming singing voice.Lol.

Are big blue eyes attractive in a girl?

I have big (as in I have wide open eyes) and blue eyes (with little yellow specks in the center and a dark line around the color part) and I always get told that I have really pretty eyes. Is that attractive in a girl?

Will i still need to take ESL cles?

i took esl cles when i was in high school. i just wanna know if i will need to take esl cles in college.{community college}

Can anyone help me plz?

hey i'm doing my senior project on gay youth bullying in schools. i'm looking for some sites or organizations here in fresno or sanger california. if anyone has any ideas or suggestions plz i'd like to here em!

I have Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and the txt is realy hard to read, i heard you could fix it?

do you have to have x box live to fix it, all i have is internet on a computer but not on the x box 360 could some one help

Do the trolls on Y!A make the site less enjoyable?

I know of an account that keeps getting targeted and can't even get to Level 2. It really doesn't ask "mature" or chatty questions. Is it easier for a Level 1 account to get suspended?

Should I attend my father in-laws funeral, or go boating?

Considering they have just given you grief for wrecking their house I find it totally inappropriate for you to attend the funeral. It is not as though he is a blood relative is it? Send your wife by all means, even give her the bus fare, but that is as far as you go. A chaps leisure time is his own and should not be encroached by in laws whatever the reason. As for flowers, don't bother, they die anyway. No Bobble, have your fun with the annual boating regatta, I shall be there of course and I look forwards to the annual water ski race as towed by ones valet in a rowing boat. Damned funny last year when Shaftworthy's valets lungs burst, you could hear them pop over 200 yards away. Nearly a tragedy though when Sniffy Blenkinsop fell out of his boat laughing and nearly drowned. Damned if I was going in after him I had my 3rd best suit on, damned fool.

Who among the NBA superstars are most likely be traded?

with all these rumors about superstars being on the trading block, who among them would most likely be traded? kobe, kg, jermaine, lewis, pierce, marion, kidd, dirk, carter, marion, odom, arenas, rasheed, artest, bibby? if a trade would push through, what would be a blockbuster trade?

I am redoing a waterfall style vanity took off the damaged veneer, exposing plywood. should i stain it?

all of the pictures i have seen of refurnished waterfalls have been painted black. if i do not want to paint it black can i stain it and have it look nice?

I went to the barbershop and i asked to trim my punk style hair and got a mullet?

Im so irrate i didnt tip him what should i do it kinda looks like a mullet but front is long to and so the the back should i cut it all of so it can all grow to equall sides agin

Dance Clothes???

buy those long tunic tops anf leggiing, i found the cutestt green racer back one with a hood and it was a tank top. awesome!!!!! it just pull it ua a little and where it with some jeans or whatever i wore it to six flags everybody thoughtit was the coolest shirt ever

WHATS INTENTIONS OF Borderline Personality Disordered EX GIRLFRIEND?

Ok seriously! There is nothign wrong with your girlfriend.... your OCD probably drove her away. Get over it already and STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION!

Girl Advise Please!!!?

I'm a junior in high school. I have a crush on a girl. It started last year when she sat next to me in my English cl. She seemed interested in me too, but, unfortunately, the school year ended and i never saw her until school was back in. Now she's only in 2 of my cles and she sits in the opposite end of both cles. I have recently been trying to talk to her, but every time, she sounds extremely sad or flustered and barely talks. That leads to me feeling uncomfortable and i just say bye and walk away. What should I do? Should I abandon my dreams to be with her, or should I do something else? Please help!!!! By the way, I just want to say that we were both matched for each other in a matchmaker test that our school's ASB provides.

How do I erase previous game data from my Xbox360?

On the start go to>>System Settings(all the way to the right)>>Memory>>Hard Drive (or whever you saved)>>Games>>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and erase whatever you need there.

If Bush and a Repub Congress had rushed a bill into law forcing us to buy insurance, would Dems fight for it?

Bush was FAR too busy starting worthless wars in other countries and ignoring terrorism to bother with a Domestic agenda of any kind.

Can private companies get permission to collect toll from general public ?

Look, Do you know ? why Government collect fees for using road?. It is recovering the price of land used to construct road and also the money it has spent to construct road and also to maintain the roads for public use. So, if you want to collect toll from public for using the road, then first you have to pay all the money what Government has spent, then Government will give you permission and fix the toll to be collected, after that only you may start collecting the toll from public.

2008 VW Jetta 2.5 oil canister tool?

I am trying to find the correct tool to remove the oil filter housing. The Bentley manual states to use a 3417 with 15 flats, every 3417 I have looked at has 14 flats. I tried a generic 74/67mm with 15 flats but does not fit. (76mm too big and 74mm too small). Yes, the housing does have 15 flats. Where can I find the correct tool?

Does anyone know the current religious views of the aboriginals and tribal populations of the world?

There is a very interesting book called "Mutant Message Down Under". You get to decide if it's an actual first-person account, but author says the aboriginal accounts are accurate.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What do you think of the legal status of alcohol and tobacco?

X causes lots of brain damage. Any way, the schedule system is so messed up. Xanax, the most abused pharmaceutical, is schedule four. It is very addicte too. Schedule four means it is not very addictive and has low abuse possibility, which is not true for Xanax. Weed definitely is safer than Xanax, is not addicitve, and ha loads of scientific info stating it is one of the safest drugs known to man. America is so messed up. Money has become more important than justice nowadays.

What should I do for my dog?

Recently my dog died a day ago, and my dad buried it, but he buried it by wrapping it, and just burying it, should we dig it up and possibly cremate it, or bury it in a different location?

V.v.v. awkward situation?

Stop text messaging! If it's something you really need to say to somebody tell them face to face, if you think you can't do that then it's probably something you shouldn't be saying to them.

Does the george foreman cooking machine cook good steaks and how long or any tips or what to cook?

The juices do run off, but what I like to do is take my turkey baster and suck the juices out the container that catches it. While the foreman is closed(if you have a thick piece it won't all of the way) I squirt the juices back up into the foreman under the meat. It sounds like a process, but if it's only cooking for 7 minutes(mr) then it isn't a big deal. Also, it creates a similar effect that a charcoal grill does with the steam and releasing flavor.

Georgia and BCS?

If KY beats TN which they will and Georgia beats LSU in the SEC title game, don't you think Georgia should leapfrog other teams such as KU/Mizzou or WV. I mean seriously, how could OSU get in the title game with the 118 strength of schedule out of 119? I think they could leapfrog WVU.

Why are Huntington Beach cops trying to ruin their city?

There's a little economic crisis and they start fabricating cases and towing cars for revenue and treat people like criminals... They're gonna turn their city into the new Long Beach...

Window Electrical Problems on 98 Dodge Durango?

My windows suddenly stopped working last night on my Durango. My fuse is still good. Any Ideas where to start?

I have ordered a package from Spain and they told me it will be sent via IPS (Postal Tech Center) where can I?

I have ordered the items and I live in Jordan ... they sent me an email telling me that it is in the office collecting information about receiver, where can I ask? is it the local postal office that is related to the government?

How resilient are adult teeth?

I'm 22 years old, I had alcohol with some friends and acquaintances a few days ago. Things got a little too rowdy and he slammed his head into my mouth. My teeth/gums are in minor pain and I feel like some are displaced. Is this temporary? Or should I consider braces in the future to return them to their rightful place?

I started growing when i was around 10 years old, and wen i got to 13 my s were 36 b already!?

u sound totally normal what is ur current size anything up to DD is TOTALLY FINE no matter what rate it grows

How is this a chatty question?

I asked where were you born, where are you, how are you, in the polls section. How is that more chatty then telling people to check out jokes, or where do you wanna go, or what time is it? ;)

Practical driving test?

It all depends on which state you are in. Tests are harder in some states, while they tend to be a little more laid back in others.

Cheapest place to buy A Question of Scruples Yes! No! Depends 1986 Milton Bradley Board Game?

Where can I find a great deal online for A Question of Scruples Yes! No! Depends 1986 Milton Bradley Board Game

Car sometimes won't start. 1999 Mitsubishi Galant.?

"Good Auto-Electric Shop" Need to remove the Main Fuse/Relay Box, Check All the Wires and connections for Loose, Feared, Broken or Burnt. Replace the Relays (Bad By Now!). Check the Main Harness and Plugs at the Ignition Block/Module. Double Check the Battery, Have it Fully charged and then "Load Tested".

I have a situation....about guys?

ask the guy who wayves to u everyday..he seems to be a good guy and will be good for u get over the other guy since hes allready taken...

How do you get candle wax off a window pane without scratching the gl?

Our church just put in new windows. We had candles in the windows over the holidays. Somehow the wax from the candles got onto the window pane. How do you get it off without scraping the gl?

What to expect from a group interview with Chick-Fil-A?

You have to force yourself out of your shyness for group interviews. They're pretty much whoever answers first, answers the question and therefore gets to step in the position direction.

For all who are confused about the HINDU religion?

Not going to debate what I've not studied, but to set you straight on one thing, Jesus said "He who has seen Me has seen the Father...I and My Father are One." The relationship between Jesus and God the Father is one we will not fully understand this side of Heaven, and once there we will not only understand it, but share in it.

NEEd aN AmP!!!!!!?

its a 1800 watt peak box so its about 450 watts rms/sub. from the picture i cant tell if it has 1 or 2 speaker terminals but you need either a 2 ch amp that is 450 x 2 rms or a mono amp that is 900 watts rms

Style question I got?

Im getting,into this style thats kinda like hipster...i wear flannel or plaid stuff..shorts...the,nerdy,gles messy,hair. But I,wear retro t's. Like power rangers or transformers and stuff like there a specific name for that?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My psp will not read the UMD discs anymore.?

It was working fine and then it just stopped reading the discs one day. It acts like its going to load but then it says "can't read disc". Everything else works fine and I haven't dropped it or damaged it in some way. I've tried multiple different discs and none of them work. Suggestions?

Am I in the right in this situation?

well my mum and dad have split due to my dads miss mums moved out of the family home because my dad d and abused my mum..since then it has been me,my brother and my dad living together...i have no respect for him...and have offered him out to fight many times...i hate him and he takes the moral high ground all the i right to be distance and agressive towards him...its the only way ino how to deal with it

Since Bush failed to deport him 9 years ago, aren't VA illegal alien triple murders all Bush's fault?

Dunno, but his stance on immigration was one of the things that upset conservatives the most. It was, frankly, no different than Obama's and Reid's. I'll remind you, as it seems I have to, of the ground swell of popular opposition to his 'immigration reform' initiative which was little more than 'amnesty'.

2 questions: Bits && bucking...?

I don't really have much experience with riding in bits, but the horses that i do ride, if at a point any of them buck it generally mean that their back is sore. it wouldn't hurt to get her checked out anyway, so that when it happens again if you get her treated you know that she is Just being and she's not sore. If she doesn't like the bit, it could be that reason, but there's no harm getting her back checked anyways.

Dart frogs in a 12x12x18 terrarium?

I'm getting a 12x12x18 exo terra terraruim. I'll get this for dart frogs. If this is too small, should I get an 18x18x24? If I get the small I can also afford a fogger.

Who would win a contest out of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the muscular outdoor adventurer Vladimir Putin?

Arnold Schwarzenegger just has big muscles. He can't really fight;he is just an actor. Vladimir Putin actually has some experience. The KGB obviously taught how to fight. Him hunting, fishing, etc. helps him also. He can also fence.

A small busines to start up or franchise in Cairo Egypt?

i live in Cairo, Egypt and am currently studying m communication and architectural engineering in the american university in cairo. i really want to start a small business of my own or franchise a small business here in egypt.. anything at all i would love to do especially if it involves me actually doing some work.. if anyone can help please answer i wold really appreciate it..if the business needs money its fine my parents can help me financially in any amount

What is mean: ABBEY NATIONAL BANK:NON-RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNT:opening balance of US$500.00 & end recive $1milion?

This looks like a scam to me. "Abbey National Bank", whom you've never heard of, wants you to send them $500, and supposedly you will receive $1,000,000 later? Don't fall for it! Just don't answer them.

Would you clify any of these bands as heavy metal?

Stone Sour, Mindless Self Indulgence, Deathstars, the Pop Culture Suicides, My Chemical Romance, Bourbon Crow, Short Stack, Vains Of Jenna, Rob Zombie, Paramore, Eyes Set To Kill, Frankenstein Drag Queens From Plane† 13, Aiden, +44, Hawthorne Heights, Cradle of Filth, Nine Inch Nails, Wednesday 13, Silverstein, Chiodos, Murderdolls, Marilyn Manson, Negative, John 5, Blink-182, Private Line, AFI, Green Day, Rise Against, Ozzy Osbourne, HIM, Blaqk Audio, Good Charlotte, †he Rasmus, Linkin park, Gnarkill, Nirvana, Peroxwhy?gen, Disturbed, Fall ou† Boy, Nickelback, Slipknot, Cold, Apocalyptica, Boy Hits Car, Evanescence, POD, Cinema Bizarre

feeding and cleft lip...?

I know it depends on severity and whatnot... I have already spoken with a lactation consultant... I would like to hear about anyone's experiences with feeding a baby with a cleft lip and/or palate... We probably won't know if the palate is affected until the baby is born... but the lip is highly likely....

How do I know if this is a legit company?

Yes its legit, lots of marketing companies use them for business details. All they ask in return is that you give details of companies you have dealt with and found good advice from and when you have entered the details then Jigsaw follow it up and try and get business from that company by offering them their services for advertising etc.

How do i get a hitachi neso 500gb to connect to a ps3?

i have bought a hitachi 500gb neso external harddrive, i connect it to my laptop fine but my xbox360 and ps3 wont recognise it, any solutions?

Best way for weight loss for my body type?

Hello everyone. Well I don't want to give my life story so here's the quick version. In high school I always weighed between 155 - 165 lbs. After high school I always weighed 170 -180. Anyways 4 years ago I got married and I've ballooned up to 234 lbs. It's all on my midsection (belly, love handles, thighs) as I have skinny wrists and legs. My mom and dad aren't really overweight to jeans aren't the problem. What I want is a tight, cut body, not like a body builder. Now what I've been told is to not lift weights until I Lose about 30 lbs. Because that will build muscle under fat and I'll just look thicker (Like a football offensive lineman) I've also heard I should lift weights because muscle burns fat faster. I also want endurance too, as I play basketball and flag football. Thanks for your help guys!

Disney's Zodiac Signs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ok well i have linksys internet?

my linksys internet doesnt work on the computer in my living room but works on the one in my parents room because they have the main linksys adaptor.I even bought a new adaptor called belkin and it still doesnt work, but the computer in my living room works just fine,I thought the computer was broken but i went to go get everything erased from it and it didnt do anything i think just the internet is all screwed up. i have no clue whats wrong with it. i need help and i tried calling linksys and alls they said was to call belkin and i called belkin and they said to call linksys. idk what to do. i need help please this has been going on for mounths!

ity vs. Pedophilia?

I think that pedophilia and uality are both wrong. But at least ity occurs between two consenting individuals. Whereas pedophilia takes place between a nasty man who takes advantage of a little girl. I don't think that is right.

Can i claim off my insurance if the company that carried out the dpc treatment has gone out of business?

I purchased my property 16 years ago and one of the conditions of the mortgage was to have timber and damp treatment carried out prior to completion. The guarantee was then place with the deeds. Unfortunately, there are signs that the treatment is failing to work and the company that carried out the treatment no longer exists. Can I claim through my insurance?

If you were christened a catholic?......?

but no longer go to chapel and disagree with alot of the things that catholics are supposed to believe in and support, are you still a catholic?

How to gain weight in muscle ?

My body is very very scrawny. And I only weigh 80 lbs and am 13. Im embarred to take off my shirt in phys Ed and while swimming. I need to gain some weight to cover my bones that are sticking out. I don't care if I get a 6 pack or not just to get a bigger body. Thanks!

Dance Crazes: Then And Now...?

Well, when I was 5, my parents would have parties, and I learned to do the Hustle and the Bump. Ha, now you know how old I am. About 11 years ago, I did the Macarena at a wedding, so there's another. Oh, and that whole country line dancing thing, like The Achy Breaky, from the mid nineties. Yikes.

What advice can you give in this situation ?

So, a close gf of mine is in a situation.She was suspecting her bf of possibly cheating. A few red flags was 1. He refused to add her to his my space account and 2. He made his profile private.She then went on to question a girl on his profile that had been out on a few dates with him prior to my friend and her bf getting together.Supposedly, he wasn't cheating. but upon discovering this, the bf went ballistic and called his gf (my close friend) ,a psychotic b****.Ironically, her b-day is in a few days and he said he still wants to take her out for her b-day. I advised her not to go, being that what he said was inexcusable, but she is still pondering it. Who is really in the wrong here and what would you do?

Will Wilson Chandler Break on Through Boston Again?

I'm betting on the Knicks tonight. I really hope Chandler is gonna put up big numbers and someone like Lee or Thomas can guard KG. Yeah I think Chandler is gonna break on through Boston again

What kind of lie is grounds for breaking up?

my boyfriend and i have be going out for almost 7 months. its been better than any other relationship i've been in. he says he loves me and i'm the only girl he's ever loved. but from before we ever got into a relationship he told me he was a virgin. he has lied to me extensively about it. we have never had or had any plans to for a long time. but today he finally told me he had lied about it in the beginning and he had in fact had with a previous girlfriend.. and then didn't want to tell me cause he didn't want to hurt me and for me to leave him. i don't know what to do. if he lies about this.. i don't know what else he will lie to me about in the future. the trust is gone. i don't know if i should just break up with him now and save me the future heartache... or give him a second chance and try to get our amazing relationship back...

Mac 187 dupes in Canada...? (stippling brush)?

Okay so, I need a stippling brush and I DON'T want to buy the MAC 187 stippling brush, duh lol, so if you know any stores here in Canada that sell them cheaper, please tell me, I know there's like cheap ones in TARGET but we don't have that here in Canada, even though I love that store so much... Thanks =]

How can i stop being a worrier about my dog?

Well, in my opinion you should just think about how much you love him now. If you lurk in the past then you can't live your life and love him now. I completely understand, a similar thing happened to me. If something serious is happening then you'd know about it, so don't worry. Just love him and care for him, and he'll be happy. When it is time for him to go then he will, and he'll be happy, and you'll see him again, so just don't worry. I know this is hard but you just have to be in the moment and love him. I hope this helps, good luck!

Does anyone see a problem with a dog backpack?

I have a 2 year old golden retriever and we always go on long walks we started to go to the Scott's highlands and doing some camping i got her a dog backpack so she could some of her little comforts but someone has told me you shouldn't use them on Golden's and thoughts?? the rucksack she has is made by ruff-ware and its the from the top range so i dnt see a problem

Why am I so nervous around hot guys!!?

whoo girl im exactly like you around everybody i tell them how good i look and i get compliments all the time..but man when it comes down to hot guys cant even talk to them...but girl sometimes they are too scared to talk to you me...

WDYT of the boys name Kendall Issac...?

I like it...I especially love Isaac! I would choose Kenneth over Kendall, partly because it's my fiance's name, partly because it doesn't sound like "Ken doll," and partly because it hasn't been misused as a trendy girl's name. But I agree with you that Kendall is a masculine name, and it's nice to see someone reclaiming it for the boys' team.

Does proactive really work?

In short yes it does when used correctly. However remember there is no miracle overnight cure for acne. Especially if your a teen and your pimples are most likely caused by hormones. Proactive is kind of marketed as a miracle overnight cure which is not accurate. Proactive is a whole kit that requires specific instructions to be used correctly and effectively. The best thing is to have realistic expectations and use as directed even when you dont have an outbreak. My main problem was I wouldnt use it after a breakout went away so I wasnt preventing further breakouts.

Your WWE hero?

Which WWE/WWF or wrestling superstar period, was your hero as a child? Did you idolize any of these people? Hell, as an adult do you still look up to these men/women? As a child mind you, I loved Hulk Hogan, as a baby I called him Ho Ho, lol. Now a days I don't think he's so great. Two men I've always thought of as heroes and still do at the age of 18, are Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. Who are/were your heroes?

I would like to know some things about nascar.?

how many years does jimmie johnson and kyle busch have left on their contracts? where is casey mears,ryan newman,tony stewart, and any body else thats moving. where are they going? and any other thing i might not know about. and is juan pablo moving

Monday, January 9, 2012

Do u think it is fun to have secretes!?

I do it is just something that no one can judge u by. When ever something big happens to me i just keep it to my self so i can have something that is Truly mine! what about u?

See there, Hillary has no POWER, proof?

She's no more Powerless than Obama. Trust me the Clintons have more power than you want to accept. It's not like the Primaries are all over and they have a winner... don't count your chickens before they hatch sweetie.

Am i too late ((Gahh! 20 characters))?

say if he wants you, he needs to break up with his gf cuz you're not going to be "the other one".

What are some decoration ideas for a Techno Bubble dance?

At my school, we have started hosting a casual "Welcome Back Week" Dance. It's jsut to welcome everyone from summer back to school,a nd get everybody involved, introduce new teachers, etc. Throughout the week we host a mini spirit-week, with games and dress-up days, and on that Friday, we host a Dance for about $5 a ticket. We always do a black light dance, with bubbles that glow on clothes and skin once popped (it washes off normally with soap and water). The company we go through also does glow-in-the-dark face paint. Anyway, this year's theme for the week and dance is "Clue", the murder mystery game. I'm in charge of decorations for the dance. And I'm having trouble coming up with a way to decorate our gym (with bleachers and and basketball nets and all) cheaply. Seeing as tickets are meant to be a small fare, I can't have anything too elaborate. Any Ideas?

Which home loan is best VA or FHA?

If you you are eligible for VA the terms are clearly better. The interest rates are generally about the same, but on a purchase loan the VA requires no down payment while the FHA requires a 3.5% down payment. A 30 year VA loan has no monthly PMI, while a 30 year FHA does. With a $150K purchase the monthly PMI is $108 per month, and in April it will increase to $138.

The senate votes at 1:00 am for the health bill. Can I watch this on CNN? And is this Eastern time?

I know this will be hard for some of you folks-but you could you please just answer the two questions I have asked and not add any snide remarks? Here goes.................

Is Jesus only gonna save evangelical, fundamental Christians?

I've thought about things along these lines, like what if people from other religions lived a really good, pure life with good intentions, but had never heard about God? Well I think that we will be judged, not on the 'group' or even religion that we are part of, but that God judges us individually, as long as we have the right intentions and live the best possible life that we can, then we'll (hopefully) go to heaven.

How long to leave dye on hair?

Well first you gotta bleach your hair and then you can die it the blech might take from 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes then the die might take another hour or hour 30 minutes so yea

Is there a place to buy school food for my house?

I live in Fairfax County and was reminiscing about school food the other day, I always liked it. Does anyone know the company, brand, or method the schools use to buy their food?

What weights should a thirteen year old going 14 lift?

Well i do not wish to hurt hurt my height potential. So what is the maximum weight i can do, and what exercises should i do. I am trying to tone my body, have decent biceps (better than most 13 year olds) and work on my chest a bit. This may sound wimpy, but I only lift up to five pounds since thats what the doc said, yet i have some pretty good results. HE told me to focus on reps, not weights. Any advice?

What can I do to stop the reverberation on my snare drum?

First, are you sure it's the snare? Are you playing it in the same place all the time? If so, it may be natural reverb in the room. If it is, in fact, the drum, try putting something soft inside it like the b drum, a small cushion or something.

Any good orthopedics in PUNE ?? ( for arthiritis) Better if u can name someone with nominal fees..?

sancheti hospital and hardikars hospital charge reasonable fees but for nominal fees u better contact ramdeoji baba , the yoga and pranayam expert.

Im having an attack how do I calm my self for school?

My heart is beating fast I feel light and my hands are shaking. I am just scared about my grades. I usually have a's and b's and I have 2 D's in some C's a B and and A. I feel like I am going to flunk and I never had this problem. I also don't want to see the people at school. I wish I could do school online or something. It's going to take 3 weeks until I get medication for s.a.d. and g.a.d. I usllay miss school, this year I missed allot, but I have to go. idk how to calm my self when this happens I ussally just stay home, but I missed to many days

I hate drama!?

I'm in middle school and all my friends have gone crazy over boys. They get caught up in so much drama that sometimes I wish i wasn't one of them. I look at my friends all loud and flirty then at the guys they are looking at. the guys don't care one bit. I'll see one give a look of disgust then my friends will shriek and say stuff like he looked ate me! I think he likes me! So a while ago I started hanging out with guys and find life much simpler. But now I can see my guy friends slip into it one by one and its killing me. I know these girls and I know there tricks and I hate watching my buddys get hurt when I know everything thats going on. I try to warn them but by then they think I'm just jealous of their girlfriend. I know this isn't the last time its going to happen and I need help!

How can bacteria change or mutate?

Bacteria change or mutate because an error happens during the copping of DNA... An example of this and natural selection - Antibiotics will kill a specific kind of bacteria and then an error happens (a mutation) causing a drug resistant bacteria.

Which pc+monitor package is better for gaming? ?

the first choice is the best choice.. Have you considered having a friend build your pc for you? you would beable to get alot more power if you or a friend build it.

My dream to become a pro tennis player?

I am 15, have been playing for 7 years, and I am a good player. In the 10's I was very good, I struggled in the twelves, bad in the fourteens, and now I dont have a ranking in the sixteens. I am signing up for tournaments and I am a very good player but with physical and psychological problems caused by my mom being a drunk have made it harder for me. I was so upset in the 14's I didnt even care about tennis, I considered quitting. I quit for a year with an ulcer slash anxiety but now I am 15 and a half. I am so scared that it may not work out. I am playing atleast four hours a day, alot of times 5 or six. I am in between to coaches and rival clubs but I am so confused on who to pick. I play alot of matches with good competion but I am not near the top nationally or anything. I want someone who can help take me to the top, I will seriously do anything and literally think it will be the end of the world if it doesnt work out. Am I crazy or just motivated. I just want some advice and opinions. Thanks.

Leaving early at a Bar Mitzvah?

This weekend is my friend's bar mitzvah, and it is also the weekend I have my play performances. I have to be at the theater at 12:30, and I think that's the time my friend's service ends, but since I need to BE THERE by 12:30, I would have to leave around 12:10. Do you think I could leave during the service if I had to? Or is it rude, and would it be best not to go to the service at all? Thanks! Just wondering.

Can someone help me?

3 months ago, i went to the doc to get a bump in my rectum checked out, he said it wasnt a hemmoriod though, and he said it was a pollyp or something. Then, I went to a specialist, he gave me a colonoscopy, and he said it was an fissure, and the bump (and the other 2) were just caused by the fissure. So he gave me a medicine to get rid of the fissure, and that was 2 months ago, and it is still there after 12 pills, how many more will I need for it to go away? My mom keeps forgetting to get it refilled

6 year old male dog peeing at night?

I have a 6 year old male dog who has been housebroken his whole life exept about a week ago, at night, he would wake up at night and pee on the same rug in our bathroom at night. we tried letting him go before bed and somtimes at night but that didnt work. we closed the bathroom door and that worked for a bit but he repeatedly began peeing on a diffrernt rug in the hallway hes never been like this so im wondering what the cause of this is?

3rd Cervical cancer jab...?

You don't have to have the vaccine exactly at 6 months, there is a range. I'm not exactly sure what the range is. Talk to your doctor about getting the vaccine as soon as you get off of prednisone.

What do I do? How do I ask her 25 PTA for best answered!!!!?

I really like this girl. She has said bluntly she likes me. She is single. The thing is she says she is not ready for a relationship cause she just got out of a three years relationship. It's Been 8 months since that relationship? How do I get her? What do I do? FYI I was thinking about singing her a song and at the end giving her a dozen roses. Help me please

Is Dave Ramsey wrong about whole life insurance?

Yes, he is wrong. There are definitely situations where a permanent life policy such as whole life or universal life is appropriate. Sometimes it is not just about the money - sometimes it is about what's best and how much of a gambler you are.

Is Ouran High School Host Club a good anime?

Hi, I recently started watching this anime since I've seen lots of comments that's great. OK, Ive seen the first 5 episodes and it sucks, it makes no sense, there's not an interesting story, all characters are apparently gay (I have nothing against gays in case). It was just senseless and absurd comedy and there is no story. I dont understand why I've seen so many comments like its one of the best animes. Well,at least so far, I haven't seen anything good to keep my interest. Anyway ill keep watching it til the end because I don't like leaving things half way. There are several romantic anime I've seen and really enjoyed such as: Maison Ikkoku, Marmalade Boy, Hana Yori Dango, Kimagure Orange Road, Love Hina, Bokura Ga Ita, Kodocha. Can anyone tell me if the story gets better?

If I call my optometrist, can they give me a copy of my eyegl prescription?

I need to get new gles, but I just had an eye exam, so I don't want to get another exam so soon. However, I lost my eyegl prescription. If I go to my optometrist's, will they have it on file to give to me?

What does the BCS look like now?

I disagree with the first post about Cinci they are good this year I think they can beat Pitt who just isn't what they were the last year or two.

I want to know which SPSS test is best for the variables in my research?

I am doing a research which has the variables concerning people's perception about beautification. It questionnaire has both numeric data and nominal data. Which SPSS test (s) should I use to show that the variables are related?

Why are whites so racist?

One look at the 10 answers before me will make it clear why. And probably there'll be more after mine. I really don't need to say any thing. And it may have been heightened due to the recession supposedly caused by the jobs moving to China & other places. They being in denial as to the basic reasons for it only makes the situation worse.

What's wrong with me!?! I can't find a good girl anywhere! :/?

I'm just like the girl you described and i have trouble finding guys like let me know when you figured out whats wrong because i want to know the answer also

I'm looking for old theatre reviews?

The only thing I can think of is to search the Theatre Museum's archives. You may have to contact them by email as unfortunately the actual museum in Covent Garden is now closed.

Should i accept the trade?

hell no first off you can still get good fantasy numbers out of lee and werth and john lackey is still a dominat pitcher see if you can get the other person to give you either a pitcher or another field player cause this trade is too one sided

He got me naked and wouldn't let me go?PLEASE READ AND HELP!PLEASE!?

what your boyfriend's doing is illegal. he's molesting you. report it to the police. if you find that hard to do, tell someone who is older and more mature. you have to take this matter up with someone or he could end up doing worse thing to you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Colonoscopy Prep Question?

I am 32 and scheduled to have my first colonoscopy on Monday in the am. My prep is 4 Dulcolax tablets at noon Sunday and 238gm of Miralax mixed with gatorade startign at 3... drinking 4 oz gles every 10-15 min till its finished. Has anyone had any experiences with this prep.. good or bad? WIll I throw up?

How to make incoming calls NOT show up on phone bill?!?! PLEASE HELP!!?

ok so me & my bf dated for 3 years and were in highschool but our parents recently found out we had and me and my bf got in this huge fight from all the stress of not getting to see each other cause our parents found out & just how weird it was around our parents now and we ended up breakin up but only for like 4 days then we missed each other to much and got back together but when our parents found out we broke up they said we werent aloud to get back together cause of everything we had done so were keepin it a secret were dating again. i dont have a cell phone so i use my house phone to talk to my bf but it got turned off cause my mom has to pay the bill but wont have the money for another week so shes letting me use her cell to call my friends but said i cant call my bf cause she gets on the computer to look at the incoming & outgoing calls and ill be grounded for 3 weeks if i call him. she has AT&T so how can i call him or he call me to where it wont show his number on the bill thing? (she knows his,his sisters brothers & parents numbers) so he cant use those. please help we havent talked cept' at school in three days!!!


You cannot keep measuring every possible thing that you might have several times a day. Everyone's body functions fluctuate every minute after minute. If you take your BP and then take it 10 minutes later you'll get a completely different reading. The same is true of everything else. Most of these symptoms are in line with your Lyme disease. Is your fiance' having any unusual symptoms? If not then for some reason after your flu like problems with acid reflux it seems like everything else started to flare up. Your white blood count is fine and if you had any type of infection it would be well over 12-14,000. Your red cells are not too bad and might be related to the Lyme disease also. Try increasing your green vegetables and take a vitamin B supplement and it should come up. Make sure that you are eating a good diet with all of the food groups included. These symptoms are really not that unusual unless your looking for anything that is unusual. I suggest that you look up Lyme disease at and you will find a list of symptoms almost word for word of what your listing here. Good luck and God Bless

I need help with a story I'd like to write?

a story about a girl who had the best life anyone could ever imagine, the girl soon began to lose her luck when this wierd girl came to town, so then she starts to look for this girl and throughout the journey she discovers many things finds the wierd girl and you should write the rest hehe!

The show house ??

I'm not sure...even if he does, however, I suspect he'll come back; Omar Epps, the actor who plays Foreman, is under contract to Fox at least until the end of the '07-'08 season.

What do I do with a cousin whom I really cant stand?

Ok, she is 13, and i am 14. She is not really the most attractive (no offense, this is not just cos i dont like her) she is ok, maybe like a 5. But she has A TON of boyfriends, and always is telling me about them. I think she does it to make me jealous, since i've never had a boyfriend. Then, when i was in town (where she lives) for like 2 weeks, she made up stuff about doing lots of things with guys (yes, THAT stuff) and she is just manipulative, a liar, and vindictive. What do i do? we dont see her very often anymore, but stil. I always get agiatated around her, and dont know what to do anymore....please help me, thanks sooo much :)

What are the best small awd and 4 wheel drive cars and trucks for driving in the snow?

A lot of people here buy the subaru - I've got a little nissan, and it does wonderful. four wheel drive gets you up these hills in two foot of snow in the winter in CO. You suffer and do much walking without it. ^^^^^ Despite what the first answerer says, it DOES make a difference.

What do you think about Milton Friedman's Theories?

Friedman was a "free-market" economist who believed that the free-market system would control inflation and that the government should have very little influence on an economy.

Henrik Ibsen's A Dolls House?

Does the play actually state anywhere that Nora is contemplating suicide or does it just insinuate it?

Is it wrong that I'm not attracted to a good guy?

well if hes a good guy and all but has bad teeth maybe thats what is putting u off on him? i duno but attraction and like are both totally different things obviously hes just not the one ur looking for u need to be attracted to him, if ur not then hes just not the guy for u i mean even if hes got everything a girl would want its what ur heart tells u, u just need to keep on looking and plus this has happend to me once i liked this guy but his bad breathe totally put me off so i said to my self theres better more cleaner guys out there but ur choice any way good luck ~

Lets play the Would you rather game ...?

you didn't limit this to girls, so here you go: blonde, neither, straight, neither, daisies, neither, neither, neither, tropical, single. do i win???????

Do u believe in a place called hell and literal eternal punishment and demonic forces?

Do you believe in a literal hell of fire, torment, darkness, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and seperation from God? Why or why not?

How upset will the Dems be in November when Obama does actually lose?

Obama losing will mean McCain wins so upset does not explain how worried I will be for the future of this Country that I LOVE.

Bigfoot real or hoax?

you can't prove something is NOT true, only that something is true. duh. You can't prove there are no fairies. You can prove there are frogs.